我尝试使用 hyperledger composer/fabric (v0.19.0) 创建自己的网络 网络构建似乎很好,但是当我这样做时,
composer network install ...
Composer Install....
⠹ Installing business network. This may take a minute...E0405 10:16:40.355332702 7660 ssl_transport_security.cc:599] Could not load any root certificate.
E0405 10:16:40.355402056 7660 ssl_transport_security.cc:1400] Cannot load server root certificates.
E0405 10:16:40.355430951 7660 security_connector.cc:1025] Handshaker factory creation failed with TSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT.
E0405 10:16:40.355453680 7660 secure_channel_create.cc:111] Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name ''
E0405 10:16:40.355471629 7660 secure_channel_create.cc:142] Failed to create subchannel arguments during subchannel creation.
谁能帮我 ?