我正在尝试使用支持向量机 (svmPoly) 和神经网络 (nnet) 运行卫星图像分类。运行交叉验证时,我从这两种方法中都得到了所需的输出(即 6x6 混淆矩阵)。当我对整个数据集运行分类时,只有 SVM 产生多类(6 个离散类)图像输出,而 nnet 产生具有单个类的图像输出。

Here, is the code I'm using in R

## Creating a data Partition, which splits the data into 70% for training and 30% for testing
data_partition <- createDataPartition(training_table$layer, times= 100,  p= 0.7, list= FALSE)
data_train <- training_table[data_partition,] ## Training data
data_test <- training_table[-data_partition,] ## Testing data

## Defining training control parameters
control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=5, repeats=100, savePredictions="final", verboseIter=TRUE, classProbs=FALSE)

## Creating list of models to use
algorithmList <- c('svmPoly', 'nnet')

## Training the models
models <- caretList(factor(class) ~ a+b+c+d+e+f , data=data_train, trControl=control, methodList=algorithmList)

## Using the models created to predict the LULC classes of the Testing data 
preds <- as.data.frame(predict(object= models, data_test))

## Creating confusion matrix to check the accuracy of the prediction made by the different models wrt Testing data 
cm_svm <- confusionMatrix(preds$svmPoly, data_test$layer)
cm_nn <- confusionMatrix(preds$nnet, data_test$layer)

## Print confusion matrix

## Image Classification
## Training models using different methods
img_train_svm <- ksvm(class ~ a+b+c+d+e+f, data= training_table, type= "C-svc", kernel= "polydot", degree= 3, scale= 0.1, C= 1)
img_train_nn <- nnet(class ~ a+b+c+d+e+f, data= training_table, size = 5)

## Using different methods for classification 
img_class_svm <- predict(study_area, img_train_svm, fun= predict, na.rm=TRUE, progress="text")
img_class_nn <- predict(study_area, img_train_nn, fun= predict, na.rm=TRUE, progress="text")

## Viewing classification 
plot(img_class_svm, col= c("yellow", "red","brown", "green", "blue", "black"), main= 'SVM')
plot(img_class_nn, col= c("yellow", "red","brown", "green", "blue", "black"), main= 'NNet')

这些是 使用 svmPoly 分类的分类的输出 使用 nnet的分类



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