找到任何有兴趣的人的答案。在不使用 pyasn1 或 asn1crypto 的情况下,我没有找到任何将十六进制值转换为 OID 表示法的包。所以我四处浏览,混合了其他语言的代码,并在 python 中创建了一个。
def notation_OID(oidhex_string):
''' Input is a hex string and as one byte is 2 charecters i take an
empty list and insert 2 characters per element of the list.
So for a string 'DEADBEEF' it would be ['DE','AD','BE,'EF']. '''
hex_list = []
for char in range(0,len(oidhex_string),2):
''' I have deleted the first two element of the list as my hex string
includes the standard OID tag '06' and the OID length '0D'.
These values are not required for the calculation as i've used
absolute OID and not using any ASN.1 modules. Can be removed if you
have only the data part of the OID in hex string. '''
del hex_list[0]
del hex_list[0]
# An empty string to append the value of the OID in standard notation after
# processing each element of the list.
OID_str = ''
# Convert the list with hex data in str format to int format for
# calculations.
for element in range(len(hex_list)):
hex_list[element] = int(hex_list[element],16)
# Convert the OID to its standard notation. Sourced from code in other
# languages and adapted for python.
# The first two digits of the OID are calculated differently from the rest.
x = int(hex_list[0] / 40)
y = int(hex_list[0] % 40)
if x > 2:
y += (x-2)*40
x = 2;
OID_str += str(x)+'.'+str(y)
val = 0
for byte in range(1,len(hex_list)):
val = ((val<<7) | ((hex_list[byte] & 0x7F)))
if (hex_list[byte] & 0x80) != 0x80:
OID_str += "."+str(val)
val = 0
# print the OID in dot notation.
print (OID_str)
希望这会有所帮助... cHEERS !