// Test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
class clsTest {
uintptr_t muintHandle;
static unsigned int __stdcall fnThread(void* pData) {
while( 1 ) {
printf("In fnThread, handle = %d\n", *(uintptr_t*)pData);
return 0;
clsTest() {
muintHandle = _beginthreadex(0, 0, &clsTest::fnThread, (void*)&muintHandle, 0, 0);
printf("clsTest(), after beginthreadex, handle = %u\n", muintHandle);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
clsTest* pT = NULL;
while(1) {
printf("From _tmain\n");
if ( pT == NULL ) {
pT = new clsTest();
return 0;
From _tmain
clsTest(), after beginthreadex, handle = 112
In fnThread, handle = 112
From _tmain
In fnThread, handle = 112
From _tmain
In fnThread, handle = 112
From _tmain
In fnThread, handle = 112
From _tmain
In fnThread, handle = 112
From _tmain
In fnThread, handle = 112
typedef enum {
eIdle = 0, //Thread is not working at all
eStarted, //Thread has been started but is not fully operational yet
eRunning, //Thread is working normally
ePausing, //Thread is requested to enter the paused state
ePaused, //Thread is paused
eTerminating //Termination has been requested but not completed yet
} eThreadStates;
class clsOpenLDVthread {
volatile eThreadStates meState;
CRITICAL_SECTION mCritControl; // critical section for thread control
char mszName[80];
HANDLE mhEvent, mhThread;
virtual bool blnStart() = 0;
clsOpenLDVthread(LPCSTR pszName);
bool inline blnIsRunning();
bool inline blnIsStopped();
bool inline blnIsStopping();
bool inline blnIsStarting();
bool inline blnIsPausing();
bool inline blnIsPaused();
bool blnPause(bool blnState);
virtual bool blnStop();
clsOpenLDVthread::clsOpenLDVthread(LPCSTR pszName) : meState(eIdle)
, mhThread(NULL) {
::InitializeCriticalSection(&mCritControl); //Get a critical section
//Get a unique name for signaling event
sprintf(mszName, "%s%d", pszName, ::GetCurrentProcessId());
//Get the event object
mhEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, mszName);
clsOpenLDVthread::~clsOpenLDVthread() {
if ( blnIsPaused() ) {
if ( blnIsRunning() ) {
if ( mhEvent ) {
mhEvent = NULL;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnIsPaused() {
return meState == ePaused;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnIsPausing() {
return meState == ePausing;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnIsRunning() {
return meState == eRunning;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnIsStarting() {
return meState == eStarted;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnIsStopped() {
return meState == eIdle;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnIsStopping() {
return meState == eTerminating;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnPause(bool blnState) {
bool blnResult = mhThread != NULL;
if ( blnResult ) {
if ( blnState ) {
unsigned uintCountDown = 10u;
if ( blnIsRunning() || blnIsPausing() ) {
meState = ePausing;
while( blnIsPausing() && -- uintCountDown ) {
//Give thread chance to run and pause
blnResult = blnIsPaused();
} else {
if ( blnIsPaused() ) {
meState = eRunning;
//this will need replacing...mhThread->ResumeThread();
blnResult = true;
return blnResult;
bool clsOpenLDVthread::blnStop() {
bool blnResult = meState == eIdle;
unsigned uintCountDown = 100u;
if ( blnIsPaused() ) {
if ( blnIsRunning() ) {
meState = eTerminating;
while( !blnIsStopped() && --uintCountDown ) {
if ( mhEvent ) {
//Give thread a change to run and terminate
blnResult = blnIsStopped();
mhThread = NULL;
return blnResult;
class clsOpenLDVrdr : public clsOpenLDVthread {
//Maximum size of uplink data per single transfer
static const unsigned mscuBuffersize;
//The thread's main routine
static void msgReaderThread(LPVOID lpParam);
virtual ~clsOpenLDVrdr();
//Call this to start the thread, see clsOpenLDVthread for more operations
virtual bool blnStart();
const unsigned clsOpenLDVrdr::mscuBuffersize = MAX_OPENLDV_DATA;
clsOpenLDVrdr::clsOpenLDVrdr() : clsOpenLDVthread(_T("EvOpenLDVrdr")) {
clsOpenLDVrdr::~clsOpenLDVrdr() {
bool clsOpenLDVrdr::blnStart() {
bool blnResult = false;
if ( blnIsStopped() ) {
meState = eStarted;
//Create the thread
mhThread = (HANDLE)_beginthread(&clsOpenLDVrdr::msgReaderThread
,0, NULL);
blnResult = mhThread != NULL;
while( blnResult && (meState == eStarted) ) {
//Give the thread chance to start and initialize
return blnResult && (meState == eRunning);
void clsOpenLDVrdr::msgReaderThread(LPVOID lpParam) {
创建类 clsOpenLDVrdr 的实例并调用 blnStart 方法:
clsOpenLDVrdr* pobjReader = new clsOpenLDVrdr();
还尝试使用 _beginthreadex 而不是 _beginthread:
mhThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, pfnThread, pobParam, 0, 0);
没有不同。这里存在某种不兼容问题,因为我在本文开头创建的简单示例有效,并且两个版本之间没有太大区别。除了它的使用方式之外……第一个简单示例是作为 Windows 控制台应用程序创建的。我遇到困难的项目在 DLL 中。
我正在使用调试器附加到 DLL 并逐步执行代码,该代码一直有效,直到它在 beginthread 调用之后进入循环,然后它只是永远循环并且永远不会进入线程。
我刚刚尝试了以下方法,添加了一个带有标准 C 函数的独立线程:
unsigned __stdcall threadTest(void* pobjData) {
return 0;
mhThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, threadTest, pobjParam, 0, 0);
遗憾的是结果是一样的,没有调用 threadTest 函数。但是会返回一个有效的句柄。