I'm working with some legacy code I'd like to build on and I can't seem to figure out the following: Why does the function AantalZichtbareRows
return 1? Where It says For Each row In rng.Rows
the row count is 1500 something (and so is the actual excel I'm working with).
I'm specifically puzzeled by n = r.Areas.Count
. This is where the 1 originates.
Sub motivatieFormOpmaken()
Public iLaatsteKolom As Integer
Public iLaatsteRij As Integer
Public iKolomnrCorpID As Integer
Public iKolomnrNaam As Integer
Public iKolomnrHuidigeFunctie As Integer
Const StBestand = "Stambestand.xlsm"
Const motivatie = "Template motivatieformulier opstapregeling.xlsx"
Dim wbMotivTemp As Workbook
Dim wsMotiv As Worksheet
Dim PathOnly, mot, FileOnly As String
Dim StrPadSourcenaam As String
Set wbMotivTemp = ThisWorkbook
Set wsMotiv = ActiveSheet
StrHoofdDocument = ActiveWorkbook.Name
StrPadHoofdDocument = ActiveWorkbook.Path
StrPadSourcenaam = StrPadHoofdDocument & "\" & c_SourceDump
If Not FileThere(StrPadSourcenaam) Then
MsgBox "Document " & StrPadSourcenaam & " is niet gevonden."
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open FileName:=StrPadSourcenaam
Application.Run "Stambestand.xlsm!unhiderowsandcolumns"
iLaatsteKolom = Worksheets("stambestand").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
iLaatsteRij = Worksheets("stambestand").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).row
If KolomControle = False Then Exit Sub
Aantalregels = AantalZichtbareRows
Dim rng As Range
Dim row As Range
Dim StrFileName As String
'If Aantalregels > 1 Then
Set rng = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
For Each row In rng.Rows
iRijnummer = row.row
If iRijnummer > 1 Then
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_cid") = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrCorpID).Text
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_naam") = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrNaam).Text
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_ldg") = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende).Text
n = naamOpmaken
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=StrPadHoofdDocument & "\Docs\" & n & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
End If
Next row
End Sub
Function naamOpmaken() As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim row As Range
Set rng = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
iRijnummer = rng.row
If iRijnummer > 1 Then
naam = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrNaam).Text
ldg = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende).Text
cid = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrCorpID).Text
Dim Position As Long, Length As Long
Dim n As String
Position = InStrRev(naam, " ")
Length = Len(naam)
n = Right(naam, Length - Position)
End If
naamOpmaken = n + "-" + ldg + "-" + cid
End Function
Public Function AantalZichtbareRows() As Integer
Dim rwCt As Long
Dim r As Range
Dim n As Long
Dim I As Long
Set r = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
n = r.Areas.Count
For I = 1 To n
rwCt = rwCt + r.Areas(I).Rows.Count
Next I
AantalZichtbareRows = rwCt
End Function