I'm stuck on accessing a groovy variable inside a shell step in Jenkins pipeline.
I read Access a Groovy variable from within shell step in Jenkins pipeline and Pass groovy variable to shell script but cannot have what I want working as expected.
Here is my pipeline:
// While you can't use Groovy's .collect or similar methods currently, you can
// still transform a list into a set of actual build steps to be executed in
// parallel.
// Our initial list of strings we want to echo in parallel
def tempList = dusboard.split(',').collect{it as String}
def stringsToEcho = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
// The map we'll store the parallel steps in before executing them.
def stepsForParallel = tempList.collectEntries {
["echoing ${it}" : transformIntoStep(it)]
// Actually run the steps in parallel - parallel takes a map as an argument,
// hence the above.
parallel stepsForParallel
// Take the string and echo it.
def transformIntoStep(tmpBoard) {
// We need to wrap what we return in a Groovy closure, or else it's invoked
// when this method is called, not when we pass it to parallel.
// To do this, you need to wrap the code below in { }, and either return
// that explicitly, or use { -> } syntax.
return {
node('tb-tftp-server') {
echo tmpBoard
stage('install') {
env.board = tmpBoard
lock(resource: "$tmpBoard") {
sh '''
echo "1 $hwjs"
echo "2 $hwjs"
lock(resource: "$tmpBoard") {
sh '''
echo ''' + tmpBoard + ' abcd' '''
If I execute it with dus011,dus012 as input parameters (i.e. variable dusboard=dus011,dus012), here comes the output
[echoing dus011] Trying to acquire lock on [dus011]
[echoing dus011] Lock acquired on [dus011]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] {
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] lock
[echoing dus012] Trying to acquire lock on [dus012]
[echoing dus012] Lock acquired on [dus012]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] {
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] sh
[echoing dus011] [lionel_test3] Running shell script
[echoing dus011] + hwjs=hw-dus012.js
[echoing dus011] + echo '1 hw-dus012.js'
[echoing dus011] 1 hw-dus012.js
[echoing dus011] + hwjs=hw-.js
[echoing dus011] + echo '2 hw-.js'
[echoing dus011] 2 hw-.js
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] sh
[echoing dus012] [lionel_test3@2] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] }
[echoing dus011] Lock released on resource [dus011]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] // lock
[echoing dus012] + hwjs=hw-dus012.js
[echoing dus012] + echo '1 hw-dus012.js'
[echoing dus012] 1 hw-dus012.js
[echoing dus012] + hwjs=hw-.js
[echoing dus012] + echo '2 hw-.js'
[echoing dus012] 2 hw-.js
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] lock
[echoing dus011] Trying to acquire lock on [dus011]
[echoing dus011] Lock acquired on [dus011]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] {
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] sh
[echoing dus011] [lionel_test3] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] }
[echoing dus012] Lock released on resource [dus012]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] // lock
[echoing dus011] + echo dus011 abcd
[echoing dus011] dus011 abcd
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] lock
[echoing dus012] Trying to acquire lock on [dus012]
[echoing dus012] Lock acquired on [dus012]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] {
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] sh
[echoing dus012] [lionel_test3@2] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] }
[echoing dus011] Lock released on resource [dus011]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] // lock
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] }
[echoing dus012] + echo dus012 abcd
[echoing dus012] dus012 abcd
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] // stage
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] }
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] // node
[Pipeline] [echoing dus011] }
[echoing dus011] Failed in branch echoing dus011
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] }
[echoing dus012] Lock released on resource [dus012]
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] // lock
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] }
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] // stage
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] }
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] // node
[Pipeline] [echoing dus012] }
[echoing dus012] Failed in branch echoing dus012
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Also: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property '
' on null object
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property '
' on null object
We can see the lock command has the correct board: one time dus011, another time dus012 ==> good
But this one is wrong [echoing dus011] + hwjs=hw-dus012.js it should be hw-dus011.js, not hw-dus012.js. I think it's because it's an environment variable and the second // stage overwrite the first one ==> bad
Other prints for board name are wrong.
So I tried with the '''++' syntax. Sounds good because this time board name matches [echoing dus011] dus011 abcd and [echoing dus012] dus012 abcd but then Java exception :(
Where is my mistake? how to solve that?
Thank you for your help