I have a Kubernetes cluster which have a few different services in it. A flask server, an nginx server for static content, traefik and a metabase service.

It all works fine, however, sometimes, when I'm going on the metabase website, the metabase website is really slow and the main website too. I go down for a few minutes.

I don't understand why the metabase service affect the access to the website. The memory/cpu of the cluster doesn't seems to be overloaded. When I fetch the static content from the flask service, I works fine. So it seems link to the network/outside access.

I'm lost. What should I check ?


1 回答 1


一个可能的问题是 Kubernetes pod 中的资源限制设置得太严格。例如,将 Traefik 限制为仅 100 mCPU 可能会导致请求变慢并最终超时,即使是中等负载。

于 2018-03-29T12:22:53.443 回答