* Main.cpp : main project file.
/************************** Begin Header **************************/
#include "stdafx.h" //Required by Visual C ++
#include <string> //Required to use strings
#include <iostream> //Required for a bunch of important things
#include <iomanip> //Required for manipulation of text and numbers
using namespace System; // Automatically uses System namespace
using namespace std; // Automatically uses std namespace
#pragma hdrstop // Stops header here
/*************************** End Header ***************************/
//* Begin Function Headers *//
void inputData(); // This will be used to organize class member calls when setting and getting new data.
int getData(); // Will get user data, input in character string, convert to an integer and then perform data validation.
void createReport(int place, int number, string type); // Will organize commands to create the report and display it on the screen.
//* End Function Headers *//
class JarsSold // Begin Class -- JarsSold
/* Begin Initialization & Creation of important resources */
static const int MaxArray = 5; // Value for the size of array JARS_SOLD
int JARS_SOLD[MaxArray]; // Creation of array with size of MaxArray
/* End Initialization & Creation of important resources */
public: // Makes underlining elements Public instead of the default Private
JarsSold() // Begin Constructor
{ // Put something in num array
JARS_SOLD[0] = 0; // [1]
JARS_SOLD[1] = 0; // [2]
JARS_SOLD[2] = 0; // [3]
JARS_SOLD[3] = 0; // [4]
JARS_SOLD[4] = 0; // [5]
} // End Constructor
~JarsSold(){}; // Destructor
/* Put all members for JarsSold class below here */
void setNumber(int num, int value) // Set the number of jars sold with number placement in array and value to replace it with
JARS_SOLD[num] = value; // Stores value into JARS_SOLD at whatever num is at the time
}; // End setNumber class member
int getNumber(int num) // Get the current number held for jars sold with number placement in array
return JARS_SOLD[num]; // Returns whatever is in JARS_SOLD depending on what num is at the time
} // End getNumber class member
/* Put all members for JarsSold class above here */
}; // End Class -- JarsSold
class SalsaTypes // Begin Class -- SalsaTypes
/* Begin Initialization & Creation of important resources */
static const int MaxArray = 5; // Value for the size of array JARS_SOLD
string SALSA_TYPES[MaxArray]; // Creation of array with size of MaxArray
/* End Initialization & Creation of important resources */
public: // Makes underlining elements public instead of the default Private
SalsaTypes() // Begin Constructor
{ // Add default strings to str array
SALSA_TYPES[0] = "Mild"; // [1] Stores Mild into SALSA_TYPES at 0 spot
SALSA_TYPES[1] = "Medium"; // [2] Stores Medium into SALSA_TYPES at 1 spot
SALSA_TYPES[2] = "Sweet"; // [3] Stores Sweet into SALSA_TYPES at 2 spot
SALSA_TYPES[3] = "Hot"; // [4] Stores Hot into SALSA_TYPES at 3 spot
SALSA_TYPES[4] = "Zesty"; // [5] Stores Zesty into SALSA_TYPES at 4 spot
} // End Constructor
~SalsaTypes(){}; // Destructor
/* Put all members for SalsaTypes class below here */
void setType(int num, string type) // Set salsa type with number placement in array and string value to replace with
SALSA_TYPES[num] = type; // Stores the string type into SALSA_TYPES at whatever num is at the time
}; // End setType class member
string getType(int num) // Get the Salsa Type with number placement in array
return SALSA_TYPES[num]; // Returns SALSA_TYPES depending on what is in num at the time
}; // End getType class member
/* Put all members for SalsaTypes class above here */
};// End Class -- SalsaTypes
void main( void ) // Begin Main Program
cout << fixed << setprecision(1) << setw(2); // Do a little customization with IoManip, might as well, we just might need it
// Main Program Contents Begin Here //
// Opening Credits for Program
cout << "Welcome to the /Professional Edition\\ of the Chip and Salsa Sale Tool EXPRESS." << endl;
cout << "This handy-dandy tool will make a chip and salsa manufacturer's job much easier!" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "Press any key to begin inputing the number of jars sold for these salsa flavors: " << endl << endl;
cout << "-Mild" << endl << "-Medium" << endl<< "-Sweet" << endl << "-Hot" << endl << "-Zesty" << endl << endl << endl;
system("pause"); // Pause here. After this begin data input
cout << endl << endl << endl;
inputData(); // Will deal with data input, validation, and reports
// Main Program Contents End Here //
} //End Main Program
// All Content for Functions Begin Here //
void inputData() // Begin inputData Function
// Begin Create Class Obects //
SalsaTypes salsa;
JarsSold jars;
// End Create Class Objects //
// Variable Creation Begin //
// Variable Creation End //
// All Content for Functions Begin Here //
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) // Start For Loop
cout << "Input how many Jars were sold for \"" << salsa.getType(i) << "\"" << ": "; // Displays which Salsa we are reffering to
jars.setNumber(i,getData()); // Will use getData() to determine what value to send to the JarsSold class.
createReport(i,jars.getNumber(i),salsa.getType(i)); // Send these numbers to another function so it can make a report later
cout << endl << endl; // Using this as a spacer
// All Content for Functions End Here //
}; // End inputData Function
int getData() // Begin getData Function
// Variable Creation Begin //
char charData[40]; // Will be used to store user data entry
int numTest; // Will be used for Data Validation methods
// Variable Creation End //
// Main Contents of Function Begin Here //
retry: // Locator for goto command
cin >> charData; // Ask user for input. Will store in character string then convert to an integer for data validation using 'Atoi'
numTest = atoi ( charData ); // Convert charData to integer and store in numTest
if (numTest < 0) { numTest = 0; cout << endl << endl << "You can't enter negative numbers! Try Again." << endl << endl << "Re-enter number: "; goto retry;} // Filter out negative numbers
// Main Contents of Function End Here //
return numTest; // If it makes it this far, it passed all the tests. Send this value back.
}; // End getData Function
void createReport(int place, int number, string type) // Begin createReport Function
// Variable Creation Begin //
int const MAX = 5; // Creat array size variable
int lowest; // The integer it will use to store the place of the lowest jar sales in the array
int highest; // The integer it will use to store the place of the highest jar sales in the array
int total; // The integer it will use to store total sales
int numArray[MAX]; // Create array to store jar sales (integers)
string typeArray[MAX]; // Create array to store types of salsa (strings)
// Variable Creation End //
// Main Contents of Function Begin Here //
numArray[place] = number; // Store number into new array
typeArray[place] = type; // Store type into new array
if (place = 4) // If the array is full it means we are done getting data and it is time to make the report.
{ // Begin making report, If statement start
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) // Using a for-loop to find the highest and lowest value in the array
{ // For Loop to find high and low values BEGIN
if ( lowest < numArray[i]) // Keep setting lowest to the lowest value until it finds the lowest one
{ // Start If
lowest = numArray[i]; // Lowest equals whatever is in numArray at i spot
} // End If
if ( highest > numArray[i]) // Keep setting highest to the highest value until it finds the highest one
{ // Start If
highest = numArray[i]; // Highest equals whatever is in numArray at i spot
} // End If
total += numArray[i]; // Will continually add numArray at i spot until it has the total sales
} // For Loop to find high and low values END
// Main Contents of Function End Here //
} // END creatReport Function
// All Content for Functions Ends Here //
那么我的问题是......我需要将我的数据从一个函数传递到另一个函数。我以为我可以弄清楚如何创建全局类对象,但我做不到。所以我想我可以绕过只是将参数传递给另一个函数,然后将它们恢复到它自己的数组中,然后继续这样做,直到我完全复制了所有数字数组和字符串数组。嗯......是的,除了 createReport() 中的这一部分之外,它确实有效:
// Variable Creation Begin //
int const MAX = 5; // Create array size variable
int lowest; // The integer it will use to store the place of the lowest jar sales in the array
int highest; // The integer it will use to store the place of the highest jar sales in the array
int total; // The integer it will use to store total sales
int numArray[MAX]; // Create array to store jar sales (integers)
string typeArray[MAX]; // Create array to store types of salsa (strings)
// Variable Creation End //
我尝试使用一个计数器变量,它在初始化后计数为 1,然后在它为 1 之后它不会再次初始化。不,这不起作用,因为变量没有在 if 语句的范围之外初始化。然后我尝试了一个 GOTO 语句,它会在它发生一次后跳过初始化。不,第一个初始化阶段出了点问题,没有编译。
- 防止这些变量被重新分配或初始化,以便它们可以保持其值。或者
- 弄清楚如何创建全局类对象(是的,我已经尝试了带有多个源文件的外部类。没有运气,只是有很多错误)
MyClass MyClassObject;
如何在整个程序中使用 MyClassObject?