我正在 Android 中创建一个应用程序。最初我只为智能手机制作它,但现在我希望同样的应用程序支持 Android 平板电脑。问题在于缩放。它没有缩放到平板电脑屏幕的大小。我使用了具有高度和宽度的 LinearLayout 作为 fill_parent。
5634 次
2 回答
于 2011-02-10T09:41:06.533 回答
The problem was with the min sdk version. If i set the min sdk version as 3 or less or not set it at all, the scaling problem occured. But if i set it to 4 or greater, it works perfectly fine. The application occupies the complete tablet screen height and width after setting the min sdk version equal or greater than 4.
于 2011-04-29T05:35:08.953 回答