我尝试在 angular(4) 应用程序 http://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/examples/layer/map.geoimage.html中实现以下代码
首先,我的导入(两个库都是从 npm 本地安装的):
import OlMap from 'ol/map';
import OlView from 'ol/view';
import OlLayerVector from 'ol/layer/vector';
import OlLayerTile from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import OlSourceOSM from 'ol/source/OSM';
import OlLayerImage from 'ol/layer/image';
import OlSourceImageVector from 'ol/source/imagevector';
import OlSourceImageStatic from 'ol/source/ImageStatic';
import OlProjection from 'ol/proj/projection';
import OlSourceVector from 'ol/source/vector';
import OlBaseImage from 'ol/imagebase';
import OlImage from 'ol/image';
import OlSourceGeoImage from 'ol-ext/source/GeoImage';
import OlAttribution from 'ol/attribution';
import OlOverlay from 'ol/overlay';`
// OSM tiles as background
var OSMBackground = new OlLayerTile({
source: new OlSourceOSM()
// Custom extend used to position my factoryBackgroundLayer image
var newExtent = OlProj.transformExtent(
[2.385083, 48.817463, 2.386024, 48.817694],
"EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857"
var factoryBackgroundLayer = new OlLayerImage({
source: new OlSourceImageStatic({
url: 'http://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/examples/data/IGNF_PVA_1-0__1976-03-24_pt.jpg',
// projection: projection,
// imageExtent: extent
projection: 'EPSG:27700',
imageExtent: newExtent
var map = new OlMap({
layers: [OSMBackground
, factoryBackgroundLayer
target: 'map',
view: new OlView({
center: OlProj.fromLonLat([2.585487, 48.817561]),
zoom: 20, // Set to 20 is better
x = 274764.75;
y = 6243935.64;
sx = 0.589;
sy = 0.597;
xmin = 0;
ymin = 0;
xmax = 5526;
ymax = 5000;
rotate = 7.44;
opacity = 0.7;
var geoSource = new OlSourceGeoImage(
url: 'http://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/examples/data/IGNF_PVA_1-0__1976-03-24_pt.jpg',
imageCenter: [this.x, this.y],
imageScale: [this.sx, this.sy],
imageCrop: [this.xmin, this.ymin, this.xmax, this.ymax],
imageRotate: this.rotate * Math.PI / 180,
projection: 'EPSG:27700',
var geoimg = new OlLayerImage(
state: "ready",
opacity: 0.7,
source: geoSource,
imageExtent: newExtent
错误 TypeError: image.getState 不是 _ol_renderer_canvas_ImageLayer_.prepareFrame (imagelayer.js:160) 处 _ol_renderer_canvas_Map_.renderFrame (map.js:183) 处 _ol_renderer_canvas_ImageLayer_._ol_renderer_Layer_.loadImage (layer.js:114) 处的函数_ol_Map_.eval (pluggablemap.js:87) 在 ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:421) 在 Object.onInvokeTask (core.js:4740) 在 ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js: 420) 在 Zone.runTask (zone.js:188) 在 ZoneTask.invokeTask (zone.js:496)
因此,关于这份报告,我尝试使用 ol.source.Image 对象而不是 url 但不是更成功。
以前有人用过这个框架吗?任何会导致此问题的 ol 更新的想法?
PS:我也尝试过 SnapGuides 行示例(http://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/examples/interaction/map.interaction.snapguides.html),它运行良好,所以 ol-ext API 集成听起来不错!