I have a similar question here but the context of this new question is different.
I have this variable: PublisherMap m_mapPublishers;
The definition of PublisherMap
using PublisherMap = std::map<CString, S_DEMO_ENTRY_EX>;
The code
I have this method that reads the map and populates a CListBox
bool CChristianLifeMinistryPersonalCopiesDlg::InitPublishersGrid()
for (auto & mapPublisher : m_mapPublishers)
bool bInclude = false;
if (m_iDisplayMode == DISPLAY_EVERYONE)
bInclude = true;
else if (m_iDisplayMode == DISPLAY_BROTHER && mapPublisher.second.eGender == GENDER_MALE)
bInclude = true;
else if (m_iDisplayMode == DISPLAY_SISTER && mapPublisher.second.eGender == GENDER_FEMALE)
bInclude = true;
if (bInclude && m_bLimitDisplay)
CString strTemp;
if (!m_mapSSAssignedPublishers.Lookup(mapPublisher.first, strTemp))
bInclude = FALSE;
if (bInclude)
int i = m_lbPublishers.AddString(mapPublisher.first);
m_lbPublishers.SetItemData(i, MAKEWPARAM(mapPublisher.second.eGender, mapPublisher.second.eAppointed));
catch (_com_error e)
LPCTSTR szError = e.ErrorMessage();
return false;
catch (CException* e)
return false;
m_iSelectMode = SELECT_NONE;
return true;
Notice that I use item data:
MAKEWPARAM(mapPublisher.second.eGender, mapPublisher.second.eAppointed));
It works absolutely fine. If I was using a CPtrArray
I would have assigned the actual structure object pointers against each entry in the list box.
The question
I don't know the mechanics of std::map
enough. Is there any safe way to directly associate each entry from the map (mapPublisher
) against each list box entry so that I can later access it?
I realise I could take the text of the list box entry and then find it in the map and get it that way. But if there is a more direct way to tie the two together?