我正在尝试在 Apple 的原生相机中模仿肖像模式。
func blur(image: CIImage, mask: CIImage, orientation: UIImageOrientation = .up, blurRadius: CGFloat) -> UIImage? {
let start = Date()
let invertedMask = mask.applyingFilter("CIColorInvert")
let output = image.applyingFilter("CIMaskedVariableBlur", withInputParameters: ["inputMask" : invertedMask,
"inputRadius": blurRadius])
guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(output, from: image.extent) else {
return nil
let end = Date()
let elapsed = end.timeIntervalSince1970 - start.timeIntervalSince1970
print("took \(elapsed) seconds to apply blur")
return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: 1.0, orientation: orientation)
我想在 GPU 上应用模糊以获得更好的性能。对于这个任务,我在这里找到了 Apple 提供的这个实现。
所以在 Apple 的实现中,我们有这个代码片段:
/** Applies a Gaussian blur with a sigma value of 0.5.
This is a pre-packaged convolution filter.
class GaussianBlur: CommandBufferEncodable {
let gaussian: MPSImageGaussianBlur
required init(device: MTLDevice) {
gaussian = MPSImageGaussianBlur(device: device,
sigma: 5.0)
func encode(to commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer, sourceTexture: MTLTexture, destinationTexture: MTLTexture) {
gaussian.encode(commandBuffer: commandBuffer,
sourceTexture: sourceTexture,
destinationTexture: destinationTexture)
如何通过 Metal blur 版本将深度数据应用到过滤中?或者换句话说 - 我怎样才能以第二个代码片段的性能速度实现第一个代码片段功能?