我正在尝试使用 Node.js 和“oracledb”节点执行以下操作:

  1. 查阅数据库 A 以获取在特定日期发布的所有账单。
  2. 将结果分配给一个变量list
  3. 使用 上的功能.map()list并在此功能内部咨询数据库 B 以通过公共密钥获取客户的信息,对于list.

问题是:数据库 B 的请求是一起完成的,所以如果有 1000 个账单要映射,它只返回 100 个并将其余的视为错误。大概和同时请求的数量有关。

因此,鉴于详细信息,我想知道是否有办法划分请求数量(例如当时的 100 个)或任何其他解决方案。



1 回答 1




-- Imagine this is the table you want to select from based on the common keys
create table t (
  common_key number,
  info       varchar2(50)

-- Add 10,000 rows with keys 1-10,000 and random data for info
insert into t (common_key, info)
select rownum,
  dbms_random.string('p', 50)
from dual
connect by rownum <= 10000;


-- Create a temp table
create global temporary table temp_t (
  common_key number not null
on commit delete rows;


const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const config = require('./dbConfig.js');
const startKey = 1000;
const length = 2000;

// Uses a promise to simulate async work.
function getListFromDatabaseA() {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    const list = [];
    const count = length - startKey;

    for (let x = 0; x < count; x += 1) {
      list.push(startKey + x);


// The list returned from A likely isn't in the right format for executeMany.
function reformatAsBinds(list) {
  const binds = [];

  for (let x = 0; x < list.length; x += 1) {
      key: list[x]

  return binds;

async function runTest() {
  let conn;

  try {
    const listFromA = await getListFromDatabaseA();

    const binds = reformatAsBinds(listFromA);

    conn = await oracledb.getConnection(config);

    // Send the keys to the temp table with executeMany for a single round trip.
    // The data in the temp table will only be visible to this session and will
    // be deleted automatically at the end of the transaction.
    await conn.executeMany('insert into temp_t (common_key) values (:key)', binds);

    // Now get your common_key and info based on the common keys in the temp table.
    let result = await conn.execute(
     `select common_key, info 
      from t 
      where common_key in (
        select common_key
        from temp_t
      order by common_key`

    console.log('Got ' + result.rows.length + ' rows');

    console.log('Showing the first 10 rows');

    for (let x = 0; x < 10; x += 1) {
  } catch (err) {
  } finally {
    if (conn) {
      try {
        await conn.close();
      } catch (err) {


在我发布了上面的解决方案之后,我认为我应该提供一个替代方案,让密钥从 Node.js 到“内存中”的 DB。您必须运行测试并查看解释计划,看看哪个是您的最佳选择(取决于许多因素)。


-- This is the same as before
create table t (
  common_key number,
  info       varchar2(50)

-- Add 10,000 rows with keys 1-10,000 and random data for info
insert into t (common_key, info)
select rownum,
  dbms_random.string('p', 50)
from dual
connect by rownum <= 10000;

-- But here, we use a nested table instead of a temp table
create or replace type number_ntt as table of number;


const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const config = require('./dbConfig.js');
const startKey = 1000;
const length = 2000;

// Uses a promise to simulate async work.
function getListFromDatabaseA() {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    const list = [];
    const count = length - startKey;

    for (let x = 0; x < count; x += 1) {
      list.push(startKey + x);


async function runTest() {
  let conn;

  try {
    const listFromA = await getListFromDatabaseA();

    const binds = {
      keys: {
        type: oracledb.NUMBER,
        dir: oracledb.BIND_IN,
        val: listFromA
      rs: {
        type: oracledb.CURSOR,
        dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT

    conn = await oracledb.getConnection(config);

    // Now get your common_key and info based on what's in the temp table.
    let result = await conn.execute(

        type number_aat is table of number index by pls_integer;

        l_keys    number_aat;
        l_key_tbl number_ntt := number_ntt();


        -- Unfortunately, we have to bind in with this data type, but
        -- it can't be used as a table...
        l_keys := :keys;

        -- So we'll transfer the data to another array type that can. This
        -- variable's type was created at the schema level so that it could
        -- be seen by the SQL engine.
        for x in 1 .. l_keys.count
          l_key_tbl(l_key_tbl.count) := l_keys(x);
        end loop;

        open :rs for
          select common_key, info 
          from t 
          where common_key in (
            select column_value
            from table(l_key_tbl)
          order by common_key;


    const resultSet = result.outBinds.rs;

    console.log('Showing the first 10 rows');

    for (x = 0; x < 10; x += 1) {
      let row = await resultSet.getRow();
  } catch (err) {
  } finally {
    if (conn) {
      try {
        await conn.close();
      } catch (err) {


绑定的格式不同(这里稍微简单一些)。另外,因为我正在执行 PL/SQL,所以我需要一个外绑定游标/结果集类型。

请参阅这篇关于嵌套表基数的帖子: http ://www.oracle-developer.net/display.php?id=427


于 2018-04-05T22:13:15.123 回答