在 XPath 之后选择带有类 ajaxcourseindentfix 的 div 元素,并将其从先决条件中拆分出来,并在先决条件之后为我提供所有内容。

div = soup.select("div.ajaxcourseindentfix")[0]
" ".join([word for word in div.stripped_strings]).split("Prerequisite: ")[-1]

我的 div 不仅可以有先决条件,还可以有以下拆分点:


现在,只要我有Prerequisite,上面的 XPath 就可以正常工作,但是只要上面三个中的任何东西出现,XPath 就会失败并给我整个文本。

有没有办法在 XPath 中放置多个分隔符?或者我该如何解决?


并存 URL:http ://catalog.fullerton.edu/ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=16&coid=96106&show

先决条件网址:http ://catalog.fullerton.edu/ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=16&coid=96564&show

两者:http ://catalog.fullerton.edu/ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=16&coid=98590&show

[旧线程] -如何获取没有 HTML 标记的文本


1 回答 1


除非您特别需要 XPath,否则此代码是您问题的解决方案,我还建议您查看有关我使用的方法的BeautifulSoup文档,您可以在这里找到


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = 'http://catalog.fullerton.edu/ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=16&coid=96564&show'
makereq = requests.get(url).text

soup = BeautifulSoup(makereq, 'lxml')

whole = soup.find('td', {'class': 'custompad_10'})
# we select the whole table (td), not needed in this case
thedivs = whole.find_all('div')
# list of all divs and elements within them

title_h3 = thedivs[2]
# we select only yhe second one (list) and save it in a var

mytitle = title_h3.h3
# using .h3 we can traverse (go to the child <h3> element)

mylist = list(mytitle.next_elements)
# title_h3.h3 is still part of a three and we save all the neighbor elements 

the_text = mylist[3]
# we can then select specific elements 
# from a generator that we've converted into a list (i.e. list(...))

prequisite = mylist[6]

which_cpsc = mylist[8]

other_text = mylist[11]

print(the_text, ' is the text')
print(which_cpsc, other_text, ' is the cpsc and othertext ')
# this is for testing purposes

解决了这两个问题,我们不必使用CSS 选择器和那些奇怪的列表操作。一切都是有机的,运作良好。

于 2018-03-21T13:24:24.857 回答