I would like to know how to "Save Table Data" from Summary Report of JMeter automatically so that I can conclude on the Throughput rate.

Currently I can click over "Save Table Data" button at the bottom of the report and store it but how can I automate it.

Also, adding File name in browser saves the data but the header's are different as shown onscreen of Summary/Aggregate report.

P.S: I want to download/save the headers that are displayed on screen of Summary Report / Aggregate Report automatically


1 回答 1


查看jmeter 非 GUI 模式选项 -e-o. 生成的 HTML仪表板包含一个包含此信息的统计表。

但是,表数据的进一步处理似乎很棘手,因为它在生成的<report_name>/content/js/dashboard.js文件中被硬编码为 JSON。

于 2018-03-29T12:09:03.643 回答