I need a CMS which fits the following requirements:

1) It allows to set up registration process in the following way:

a) user inputs his name and phone number;

b) user receives confirming code via sms;

c) user enters the code in input text field;

d) the system checks the confirming code and gives a user login and password.

2) Easy integration with sms gateway.

3) The system should support different account types. All users will have their rooms, but functionality of this room should be based on user's account type. And functionality differs much from one type to another.

5) The system should provide high security.

6) Language is not important - but preferable PHP or Java.

7) No need to have forum, char, RSS, guest book, blog and so on.

8) Free or cheap.

Please help.


1 回答 1


我不确定任何开箱即用的 CMS 是否会支持 SMS 用户注册,因为 SMS 主要是一项付费服务​​。我建议使用 CMS,您可以通过自定义插件添加自己的 SMS 服务。我想到了 Drupal 和 Wordpress,但还有很多其他的。

至于 SMS 部分,您可以使用Twilio之类的东西或通过诸如OpenMarket 之类的 SMS 聚合器

于 2011-02-11T16:36:48.053 回答