
为了计算存储在 opencv 提供的 ndarray 中的图像,这些图像是 (4000,6000,3) 形状,我想将值从源 ndarray 复制到目标中不同坐标 (x,y) 的目标 ndarray。为了计算目标坐标而添加到源坐标的偏移量存储在 ndarray 中。请参阅下面使用两个嵌套循环实现的简单原理:

import numpy as np

source = np.array([

target = np.array([

move_instruction = np.array([

rows, cols = source.shape
for y in range(rows):
    for x in range(cols):
       y_target = y + move_instruction[y][x][0]
       x_target = x + move_instruction[y][x][1]
       target[y_target][x_target] = source[y][x]


我是 numpy 的初学者,想知道是否有一种聪明的方法可以通过 ndarray 操作以更有效的方式执行此操作?


1 回答 1



import numpy as np

source = np.array([

target = np.zeros_like(source)

move_instruction = np.array([

all_inds = np.where(np.ones_like(source))
moves = move_instruction[all_inds]
new_r = all_inds[0] + moves[...,0]
new_c = all_inds[1] + moves[...,1]
arr_shape = source.shape

# Filter for invalid shifts
filter = (new_r < 0) + (new_r >= arr_shape[0]) + (new_c < 0) + (new_c >= arr_shape[1])
new_r[filter] = all_inds[0][filter] # This just recovers the original non-moved index;
new_c[filter] = all_inds[1][filter] # if you want to do something else you'll have to
                                    # modify these indices some other way.
new_inds = (new_r, new_c)
target[new_inds] = source[all_inds]
于 2018-03-16T16:38:49.030 回答