在 Google Chrome 中,element.scrollIntoView()withbehavior: 'smooth'不能同时在多个容器上工作。一旦在一个容器上触发平滑滚动,第二个容器就会停止滚动。在 Firefox 中,这个问题不存在;两个容器可以同时滚动。

我的解决方法是使用behavior: 'instant',但我喜欢使用behavior: 'smooth'以获得更好的用户体验。


是一个使用 Angular 的 plunker


  In Google Chrome element.scrollIntoView() with behavior 'smooth' doesn't work, if scrolling more containers at the same time.
  Shwon in case 'All Smooth (200ms sequence)' the container stopps scrolling.
  <br> In Firefox all works.

<div class="row mb-1">
  <div class="col">
    <button (click)="reset()" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Reset</button>

<div class="row mb-1">
  <div class="col">
    <button (click)="scrollAllInstant()" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">All Instant</button>
    <small class="text-success">Works</small>

<div class="row mb-1">
  <div class="col">
    <button (click)="scrollAllSmooth()" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">All Smooth (simultaneously)</button>
    <small class="text-danger">Only one container is scrolled</small>

<div class="row mb-1">
  <div class="col">
    <button (click)="scrollAllSmoothSequenced()" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">All Smooth (200ms sequence)</button>
    <small class="text-danger">Only last container is scrolled to 85 - Others will stop, if next container is triggered</small>

<div class="row">
  <div *ngFor="let container of containers, let index = index" class="col">

    <button (click)="scrollSingelContainer(container)" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary mb-1">Single Container Smooth</button>
    <small class="text-success">Works</small>

    <div class="card bg-light mb-3" style="height: 500px;  max-width: 18rem;">
      <div class="card-header">Container {{ container }}</div>
      <div (scroll)="onScroll(container)" class="card-body" style="overflow-y: scroll;">
        <p *ngFor="let number of content" [attr.id]="container + '_' + number" class="card-text" [class.text-danger]="number == 85">{{ number }}</p>



export class App {
  name: string;

  containers = [0, 1, 2]
  content = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100]

  constructor() {
    this.name = `Angular v${VERSION.full}`

  private scroll(container: number, row: number, behavior: string) {
    let element = document.getElementById(container + '_' + row);
      behavior: behavior,
      block: 'start',
      inline: 'nearest'

  reset() {
    this.containers.forEach(container => {
      this.scroll(container, 1, 'instant');

  scrollSingelContainer(container: number) {
    this.scroll(container, 85, 'smooth');

  scrollAllInstant() {
    this.containers.forEach(container => {
      this.scroll(container, 85, 'instant');

  scrollAllSmooth() {
    this.containers.forEach(container => {
      this.scroll(container, 85, 'smooth');

  scrollAllSmoothSequenced() {
    this.containers.forEach(container => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.scroll(container, 85, 'smooth');
      }, 200 * container);

  onScroll(container: number) {
    console.log('Scroll event triggerd by container ' + container);

1 回答 1


这里提出了一个类似的问题:scrollIntoView() using smooth function on multiple elements in Chrome,但答案并不令人满意,因为它指出,这不是错误,而是。

但这似乎是一个错误,并且已经在 Chromium 错误列表中报告:

为了同时使用scrollIntoView(至少某些元素)平滑滚动多个元素,我们需要等待 Chromium 团队的修复。

一种方法是使用scrollTo它也适用于 Chrome 中的多个元素。请参阅此示例中的场景 5:https ://jsfiddle.net/2bnspw8e/8/ 。

缺点是您需要获取要滚动到视图中的元素的下一个可滚动父级(参见https://stackoverflow.com/a/49186677示例),计算滚动父级所需的偏移量元素和调用parent.scrollTo({top: calculatedOffset, behavior: 'smooth'})

于 2020-08-24T14:52:32.577 回答