Mura 基本上带有三个级别的错误“捕捉”。在主题级别,在站点级别,然后在全球范围内。(而且我发现即使可能在较低级别(例如“站点”)捕获错误,也不会阻止相同的错误冒泡并触发“全局”处理程序。)
Steve Withington 创建了一个 Gist 示例,可以帮助您入门。在这里看到它。请务必阅读代码中的注释,因为它解释了文件所在的位置以及调用它们所需的任何配置设置。
Mura 错误处理:您可以使用任何一种或两种附加方法来帮助在 Mura CMS 中进行错误处理。这比默认的“我们很抱歉,发生错误。请稍后再试”效果更好。
1) Drop this file under /config/ directory.
2) Add errortemplate=/muraWRM/config/customErrorFile.cfm to the settings.ini.cfm file.
3) Set debuggingenabled=false in the settings.ini.cfm file.
4) Reload Mura CMS
<cfset msg = 'MURA ERROR - MESSAGE: #arguments.exception.Message# DETAIL: #arguments.exception.Detail# ' />
<cflog type="ERROR" file="MuraError" text="#msg#" />
<cfparam name="url.debug" default="false" />
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Site Down For Maintenance</title>
<h3>Site Down for Maintenance</h3>
<cfif url.debug>
<cfdump var="#arguments#" />
<!--- You Have Access to arguments.eventName and aguments.exception --->
<h4>Exception Message</h4>
<h4>Exception Detail</h4>
<cfdump var="#arguments.exception.TagContext[1]#" />
<!--- you could also dump whatever else you want to inspect --->
<cfdump var="#cgi#" label="CGI" />
<cfdump var="#request#" label="REQUEST" />
<cfdump var="#session#" label="SESSION" />
<cfdump var="#application#" label="APPLICATION" />
<p>This site is temporarily down for maintenance.</p>
// drop this method in either the Site or Theme eventHandler.cfc
public any function onGlobalError($) {
var tagContext = '';
var local = {};
param name='url.debug' default=false;
local.ex = arguments.$.event('exception');
local.errorMessage = 'GLOBAL ERROR - MESSAGE: #local.ex.Message# DETAIL: #local.ex.Detail# ';
try {
tagContext = local.ex.TagContext[1];
} catch(any e) {};
if ( IsStruct(tagContext) ) {
local.errorMessage = local.errorMessage & '
LINE: #tagContext.LINE#
RAW_TRACE: #tagContext.RAW_TRACE#';
WriteLog(type='ERROR', file='muraGlobalError', text='#local.errorMessage#');
if ( url.debug ) {
WriteOutput('<h2>Debug Output</h2>' & local.errorMessage);
WriteDump(var=arguments, label='ARGUMENTS', abort=1);