I had a requirement to read an input file, which is an xml (as below)
My main powershell script parses the xml, and creates an object with input parameters in a foreach loop for each Child and calls another powershell script with the argument as that object created from each child item. This is necessary as to run scripts in parallel in different consoles.
$InputOBJ = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Server = $_.grandchilditem1
Database = $_.grandchilditem2
$psfilepath = Get-Location
Start-Process -filepath "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList @("-NoExit", "$psfilepath\ls.ps1 $InputOBJ") -WindowStyle Normal
My problem is, this executes fine and opens two different consoles for 2 child nodes, but the $inputobj isn't passing completely. It gets truncated. However, if I pass each individual parameter as a string value, it accepts all.
I want to know, what is the reason that an object isn't properly passing.
In the new console that opens, the output will be only the first item. for eg., my ls.ps1 has a statement
write-host $inputobj
it outputs, just this.
The object structure is compromised too. I believe, its being sent as a string instead of an object.
Please let me know if anybody had more knowledge on this.