I have geojson
file to show in Mapview. It contains thousands of coordaantes under the type "LineString
". So, for parsing I used "GEOSwift
" library.
But, while parsing time its not able to getting the data from LineString
and its getting out of the condition from following.
if let item = item as? LineString {
The code is
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
if let geoJSONURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "LineString", withExtension: "geojson") {
do {
var overlays = [MKPolyline]()
let features = try Features.fromGeoJSON(geoJSONURL)
for item in features! {
if let item = item as? LineString {
let polyLine = item.mapShape() as! MKPolyline
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// add overlays to map
} catch {
Even tried like following, but, showing compile time errors.
let geometryDict = item["geometry"]
let lineStringType = geometryDict["type"]
The sample data of geojson
is like
The hierarchy is like PFA.
Can anyone suggest me, where I am doing wrong?
I have followed following link completely, but, they did not given example for LineString.