我已经开始使用 Pyjnius 并且遇到了一个严重的错误。我没有找到任何关于它的参考,但它很容易获得,我严重怀疑我是第一个体验它的人。

基本上,如果我尝试通过一个实例访问一个类的静态成员,我会遇到整个 Python 解释器的崩溃,除非我之前通过该类为该成员分配了一个值。

我的 JAVA 类是这样的:

class TestClass {
    public static int b;
    public double c;

    public TestClass(int cc)  {
        c = cc;

我的测试 Python 脚本很简单:

from jnius import autoclass

the_class = autoclass('TestClass')

the_object = the_class(42.0)    # create an instance
print(the_object.c)             # no problem accessing the non-static member

the_object.c = 12.56
print(the_object.c)             # no problem modifying the non-static member

print(the_class.b)              # no problem accessing the static member from the class

#print(the_object.b)            # crash if I access the static member from the instance!!!!

the_class.b = 42
print(the_class.b)              # no problem modifying the static member from the class

print(the_object.b)             # and now I can also access it from the instance, but only after I have modified it

现在,如果我在从类中修改它的值之前取消注释访问 the_object.b 的行,我会得到 Python 解释器的完全崩溃。



  • 视窗 10

  • Python 3.6.2

  • Pyjnius 1.1.1

  • Java 1.8.0_161



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