我正在使用 ajv-errors 探索 Ajv,以验证 json 模式并生成自定义错误消息。到目前为止一切正常,但我无法为单个值的类型设置自定义错误消息。

const emailSchema = {
 type: 'object',
 required: ['foo', 'bar', 'car'],
 properties: {
  foo: { type: 'integer' },
  bar: { type: 'string' },
  car: { type: 'string' }
 errorMessage: {
  type: 'should be an object',
  required: {
  foo: 'foo field is missing',
  bar: 'bar field is missing',
  car: 'car field is missing'


        "keyword": "type",
        "dataPath": "/foo",
        "schemaPath": "#/properties/foo/type",
        "params": {
            "type": "integer"
        "message": "should be integer"
        "keyword": "errorMessage",
        "dataPath": "",
        "schemaPath": "#/errorMessage",
        "params": {
            "errors": [
                    "keyword": "required",
                    "dataPath": "",
                    "schemaPath": "#/required",
                    "params": {
                        "missingProperty": "bar"
                    "message": "should have required property 'bar'"
        "message": "bar field is missing"
        "keyword": "errorMessage",
        "dataPath": "",
        "schemaPath": "#/errorMessage",
        "params": {
            "errors": [
                    "keyword": "required",
                    "dataPath": "",
                    "schemaPath": "#/required",
                    "params": {
                        "missingProperty": "car"
                    "message": "should have required property 'car'"
        "message": "car field is missing"

第一个带有消息“应该是整数”的错误对象,我可以像 foo 一样自定义它必须是整数吗?我期待像下面这样的东西,但它给出了架构错误。

type : {
  foo : "foo must be an Integer"



2 回答 2



const emailSchema = {
  type: 'object',
  required: ['foo', 'bar', 'car'],
  properties: {
    foo: {
      type: 'integer',
      errorMessage: {
        // In here must be errorMessage not errorMessages
        type: 'foo must be an Integer', // Your Custom Error Message
    bar: { type: 'string' },
    car: { type: 'string' },
  errorMessages: {
    // Change from errorMessage to errorMessages
    type: 'should be an object',
    required: {
      foo: 'foo field is missing',
      bar: 'bar field is missing',
      car: 'car field is missing',

于 2018-09-26T13:04:37.280 回答

对于我们有一些自定义 errorMessage 或任何其他数据的用例,我们必须使用模式路径。当我们收到验证错误时,我们还得到了error.keyword在我的情况下,我在 if 和 else 块中有额外的验证,如下所示

schema.allOf= Object.keys(bankCodes).map((key: any) => ({
    if: {
      properties: {
        routingCodeType1: { const: bankCodes[key].code },
    then: {
      properties: {
        routingCodeValue1: {
          pattern: bankCodes[key].pattern, //<-- this was cause of validation fail
          errorMessage: bankCodes[key].errorMessage,



const getPatternMessage = (error: any, schema: any) => {
  if (error.keyword === 'pattern') {
    const fieldName = error.dataPath.substring(1); // routingCodeValue1
    const keyArr = error.schemaPath.split('/'); // ['#','allOf','2'..,'pattern']
    keyArr.pop(); // remove '#'
    keyArr.shift(); // remove 'pattern'
    const prop = keyArr.reduce((acc, key) => acc[key], schema);
prop contains  {
          pattern: '^[a-z]{9}$',
          errorMessage:'routingCodeValue1 should be 9 characters'
    return {
      [fieldName]: prop.errorMessage,

这样我们就可以提取自定义 errorMessage 或我们想要的任何其他数据

要点是使用 schemaPath 属性

于 2020-11-06T12:27:22.880 回答