
对于作业,我必须创建一个包含电影名称、MPAA 评级、从 1 到 5 评级的人数、找到每个评级的累积值和平均值的电影类。

我主要在构造函数和类方面遇到问题。我试图让它接受一个字符串(我得到了那部分有点正确)。我在第 77 行和第 83 行遇到了一些错误。我也被卡住了,因为我不知道下一步应该采取什么步骤。我将不胜感激任何可能的帮助。


    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <string>
    // Required headers
    using namespace std;

    //Class movie starts
    class Movie {
    void SetMovieName(string moviename);
    // Function to set the name of the movie
    // moviename = movie; later on

    string GetMPAAR();
    //function to return the MPAA rating

    int amountofratingsof1() const;
    //function to return the number of people that rated the movie as a 1
    int amountofratingsof2() const;
    //function to return the number of people that rated the movie as a 2 
    int amountofratingsof3() const;
    //function to return the number of people that rated the movie as a 3
    int amountofratingsof4() const;
    //function to return the number of people that rated the movie as a 4 
    int amountofratingsof5() const;
    //function to return the number of people that rated the movie as a 5

    int average() const;
    //function to return the average value of all ratings

    std::string Movies(string moviename = "Gavecube: The Movie");
    //constructor to set the movie

    string Movie; //variable to store the name of the movie
    int peoplethatrated1; // variable to store the number of people that rated 1
    int peoplethatrated2; // variable to store the number of people that rated 2
    int peoplethatrated3; // variable to store the number of people that rated 3
    int peoplethatrated4; // variable to store the number of people that rated 4
    int peoplethatrated5; // variable to store the number of people that rated 5

//implementation file:

void Movie::SetMovieName(const string moviename) {
    //function below checks if it is a string or not
    if (!cin) {
        cout << "Not a valid input. Please restart." << endl;

int Movie::amountofratingsof1()const {


int Movie::amountofratingsof2()const {

int Movie::amountofratingsof3()const {

int Movie::amountofratingsof4()const {

int Movie::amountofratingsof5()const {


std::string Movie(string moviename) {

int main()
    Movie Movies("Hello"); 

    return 0;



1 回答 1



ClassName (parameter par1, ...) : mem1(par1), ...{}


于 2018-03-10T05:26:05.447 回答