给定 time_t 或 struct timeval,我如何获得当天午夜 EST/EDT(本地时区)的 timeval 或 time_t?假设本地时区是 EST/EDT,假设 time_t 对应于 2010-11-30 08:00:00 EST/EDT,预期的答案是 time_t 对应于 2010-11-30 00:00:00 EST /美东时间

尝试 1(不正确:因为它不处理 DST,并假设 EST/EDT 总是比 UTC 晚 5 小时):

time_t RewindToMidnight ( const time_t temp_time_t_ )
  return ( (5*3600) + ((( temp_time_t_ - 5*3600 )/86400 ) * 86400) );

尝试 2(不正确:因为它返回的 time_t 对应于 UTC 午夜时间,而不是 EST/EDT,本地时区):

time_t RewindToMidnight ( const time_t temp_time_t_ )
   boost::posix_time::ptime temp_ptime_ = boost::posix_time::from_time_t ( temp_time_t_ );
   boost::gregorian::date temp_date_ = temp_ptime_.date();
   boost::posix_time::ptime temp_ptime_midnight_ ( temp_date_,
                                                   boost::posix_time::time_duration ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
   return to_time_t ( temp_ptime_midnight_ );

time_t to_time_t ( const boost::posix_time::ptime & temp_ptime_ )
   boost::posix_time::ptime temp_epoch_ptime_(boost::gregorian::date(1970,1,1));
   boost::posix_time::time_duration::sec_type temp_sec_type_ = ( temp_ptime_ - temp_epoch_ptime_ ).total_seconds();
   return time_t ( temp_sec_type_ );

我觉得应该有一个解决方案,涉及 (i) struct tm、mktime 或 (ii) boost::local_date_time 也许?


3 回答 3


由于 time_t 是以秒为单位的时间(UTC,1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00),因此您只需要去掉一天中的秒数。一天有 86400 秒(通常忽略闰秒),所以结果应该是 86400 的倍数。因此:

time_t now = time();
time_t midnight = now / 86400 * 86400
于 2011-02-05T23:19:41.050 回答
time_t local_midnight(time_t x) {
  struct tm t;
  localtime_r(&x, &t);
  t.tm_sec = t.tm_min = t.tm_hour = 0;
  return mktime(&t);

我使用 localtime_r 因为它必须可用,因为您在答案中也使用了它。


int main() {
  time_t now = time(0);
  cout << "local: " << asctime(localtime(&now));
  cout << "UTC:   " << asctime(gmtime(&now));
  time_t midnight = local_midnight(now);
  cout << "\n       " << asctime(localtime(&midnight));
  return 0;
于 2011-02-08T02:35:32.463 回答


time_t RewindToMidnight ( const time_t & temp_time_t_ )
    int temp_yyyymmdd_ = iso_date_from_time_t ( temp_time_t_ );
    return time_t_from_iso_date ( temp_yyyymmdd_ );

int iso_date_from_time_t ( const time_t & in_time_t_ ) 
     tm temp_this_tm_;

     { // the following to set local dst fields of struct tm ?
         time_t tvsec_ = time(NULL);
         localtime_r ( & tvsec_, & temp_this_tm_ ) ;
     localtime_r ( & in_time_t, & temp_this_tm_ ) ;

     return ( ( ( ( 1900 + temp_this_tm_.tm_year ) * 100 + ( 1 + temp_this_tm_.tm_mon ) ) * 100 ) + temp_this_tm_.tm_mday ) ;

time_t time_t_from_iso_date ( const int & temp_yyyymmdd_ ) 

     boost::gregorian::date d1 ( (int)( temp_yyyymmdd_/10000), 
                                 (int)( ( temp_yyyymmdd_/100) % 100), 
                                 (int)( temp_yyyymmdd_ % 100) );

     std::tm this_tm_ = to_tm ( d1 );
     return ( mktime ( & this_tm_ ) ) ;


于 2011-02-06T15:58:53.093 回答