Imagine that we have method with optional nullable argument (PHP 7.0) like in this example:

 * @param Type1 $foo 
 * @param Type2 $bar
 function myFunction(Type1 $foo, Type2 $bar = null)


Unfortunately it's not clear from the PHPDoc documentation, what is the right way to mark the second argument optional and nullable.

Typically I use "Type2|null" notation:

 * @param Type1 $foo 
 * @param Type2|null $bar
 function myFunction(Type1 $foo, Type2 $bar = null)


Actually this is my preferable way, because it explicitly describes all the possible types. But I heard complaints that is not obvious from the doc if the parameter is optional or not.

I'm aware of, seams like, unofficial convention "(optional)"

 * @param Type1 $foo 
 * @param Type2 $bar (optional)
 function myFunction(Type1 $foo, Type2 $bar = null)


I don't like this approach, because, technically, you can explicitly provide NULL as a second argument. And it's not clear from the phpdoc.

Generally speaking, I can even use them together:

 * @param Type2|null $bar (optional)

But it doesn't look nice, IMHO.

Could you provide me some feedback or, even better, some links to corresponding coding standards / style guides?


1 回答 1


@param Type2|null $bar

is the proper way, from the perspective of phpDocumentor... see the last three arguments of the getOption() method as shown here.

于 2018-06-05T15:46:41.777 回答