AlarmManager 可以在不调用 Activity OnCreate 的情况下触发 Service Intent 吗?
这会创建 2 个 apk 并使其无法作为一个应用程序放入 Market 吗?
你能以某种方式将 2 个应用程序放入一个清单吗?
从纯 XML 的角度来看,清单中有多个<application>
If Activity & Service are part of the same Application - can't I just store common objects (like User object) at the Application scope for the 2 to share?
For very quick things, yes. However, bear in mind that your service may get shut down (by Android, by user, etc.), after which your process may get terminated, and your Application
object goes poof. I'd use this for light caching only.
It seems like I don't even need to bother with AIDL
Correct -- that is only needed for inter-process service binding.
the two could just have weak references to each other at the Application scope as well
I wouldn't do that in a million years. Please use the platform responsibly. There are plenty of ways for activities and services to communicate yet remain loosely coupled (or, in the case of the local binding pattern, tightly-coupled in an Android-aware fashion).
Or should they pub/sub each other with some kind of Observer Pattern or BroadcastListener thing?
Something along those lines would be preferable. While the activity and the service may be co-resident in the same process at the same time, they are not designed to be directly linked to one another.