I am working on another report using SSRS
via Visual Studio 2010
. I am a rookie with SQL but things are starting to make sense as the weeks go on.
Purpose is to create a report that displays the Batch up time / downtime
calculated from the timestamps
taken from a SQL server database. The time stamp is represented as a date/time input, an example, 2018-02-09 14:43:29.193
There are 4 Event ID's 1-4 that must be met to trigger a time stamp in the database. Each batch has it's own 3 digit integer ID.
1-Batch Start, Not running production, but system is initiated. (Down)
2-Production Start, Running production (Up Time)
3-Production Stop, Machine is running, but not producing (Down)
4-Batch Stop, Production complete. (Down)
The difference between,
2&1 = Downtime
4&1 = Downtime
2&3 = Up time
If 4 is after 2 = Up time
If 4 is after 3 = Downtime
I have done my best with this report with limited knowledge, and in the report I have created parameters to choose dates for the report, along with asking the user to pick the Batch ID along with Batch 1-4 Event's, however I am not sure how to tackle the calculated fields.
Below is the SQL code,
/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/
, [BatchEvent_ID]
, [BatchEvent_TIME]
, [Operator_ID]
, [DieRolls_ID]
, [Batch_ID]
, [NoOfPockets]
, [WetCapsulesWeight]
FROM [SCM_DataCollecion].[dbo].[ProductionTable]
I have been reading up on pivoting tables and I think this may be the way to go in calculated the up / downtime
, however I need a bit of help on this part.
Thanks again