I need to setup an event on a Facebook Page. I would like to be able to set a capacity for this event, and once capacity has been met, I would like to close the event. Is there any way to do this?

I know I can do this with a custom solution integrating the GRAPH API but I need this all to live on the Facebook Page. I can't find anything in Facebook to set an event capacity or even fire an event when someone RSVPs so I could manually close the event. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


1 回答 1



  1. 创建一个 cron 作业
  2. 授予offline_access,create_event,user_events权限
  3. attending定期检查连接
  4. 当它满足一定数量时,将privacy属性编辑为CLOSED
于 2011-02-07T21:46:48.283 回答