sorry if I am repeating this question, but I am quite new in requireJS and I do not fully understand the way it works.
I am trying to implement amazon-like navigation with diagonal movement over elements. I found a jQuery plugin ( for that but I want to implement it with help of requireJS.
In common way you just include all necessary scripts with <script>
tag (Jquery and the plugin). Then you find your navigation and assign some functions on activating/ deactivating submenu. Like example:
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
var $menu = $(".dropdown-menu");
// jQuery-menu-aim: <meaningful part of the example>
// Hook up events to be fired on menu row activation.
activate: activateSubmenu,
deactivate: deactivateSubmenu
function activateSubmenu(row) {//do something}
function deactivateSubmenu(row) {//do someting else)
In requireJS way. In the navigation.js file i required menu-aim plugin in the beginning and tried to implement it like this:
var menuAim = require('lib/menu-aim');
// some code
var $menuT = $('#nav-main-deep');
activate: activateSubmenu,
deactivate: deactivateSubmenu
function activateSubmenu(){
function deactivateSubmenu() {
And i put whole plugin menu-aim.js between:
define(function () {
//whole menu-aim plugin
Probably, this is not the way how to run requireJS plugin, cause its doing nothing (i tried to do some console logs). I tried to look at requireJS doc but I still dont understand how to do it right.. Will be very thankfull for advices..