声明允许对等点交换消息的会话接口。将消息声明为具有简单类型的 C++ 结构,如整数、双精度、std::string 和 std::vector。例如:
// these are your protocol messages
struct HelloRequest {
uint32_t seq_no;
// more stuff
struct HelloResponse {
uint32_t seq_no;
// more stuff
// Session callback for received messages
struct SessionReceiver {
virtual void connected(Session*) = 0;
virtual void receive(Session* from, HelloRequest msg) = 0;
virtual void receive(Session* from, HelloResponse msg) = 0;
virtual void disconnected(Session*) = 0;
// Session interface to send messages
struct Session {
virtual void send(HelloRequest msg) = 0;
virtual void send(HelloResponse msg) = 0;
// this connects asynchronously and then calls SessionReceiver::connected() with a newly established session
struct SessionInitiator {
virtual void connect(SessionReceiver* cb, std::string peer) = 0;
// this accepts connections asynchronously and then calls SessionReceiver::connected() with a newly accepted session
struct SessionAcceptor {
virtual void listen(SessionReceiver* cb, std::string port) = 0;
然后通过编码使用这些接口的业务逻辑来测试您的接口。一旦您确信接口允许您实现所需的逻辑,就可以使用您喜欢的事件驱动框架(如 libevent 或 Boost.Asio)实现接口和消息序列化。