module Tests(performTests) where
import Test.HUnit
import HelpFunctions
cardList = [(Hearts, Ace)]
module HelpFunctions(Suit, Value, blackjack, cardDeck, shuffleOne,
shuffleCards, getValue, addHand, dealCard, bust,
) where
import System.Random
import Control.Monad(when)
{- Suit is one of the four suits or color of a playing card
ie Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds or Spades
INVARIANT: Must be one of the specified.
data Suit = Hearts | Clubs | Diamonds | Spades deriving (Show)
{- Value is the numeric value of a playing card according to the rules of blackjack.
INVARIANT: Must be one of the specified.
data Value = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight |
Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
deriving (Eq, Show)
Tests.hs:6:14: error: Data constructor not in scope: Hearts
6 | cardList = [(Hearts, Ace)] | ^^^^^^
Tests.hs:6:22: error: Data constructor not in scope: Ace
6 | cardList = [(Hearts, Ace)] | ^^^
我有另一个文件可以从中导入 HelpFunctions 和数据结构,并且可以正常工作。