
假设我有各种各样的 JOB Shop Scheduling 问题,并且我遵循了一个教程并得到了一个可行的解决方案,现在我正在尝试对此进行扩展:

我有一组要在 X 资源(机器)上完成的任务,我想创建一个时间表,其中 a) 任务尽可能快地完成 b) 我想尽量减少这样做所需的时间,同时考虑到类型开关。


  private void InitializeGoal()
            Goal goal = model.AddGoal("goal", GoalKind.Minimize, makespan); // (34)


        /// <summary>Create the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project to be scheduled.</param>
        public void Initialize(Project project)
            context = SolverContext.GetContext();
            model = context.CreateModel();

            int eventCount = project.Tasks.Count;

            // we will fill these in in the remainder of the post.
            InitializeSets(project.Tasks.Count, eventCount, project.Resources.Count);
            InitializeParameters(project.Tasks, project.Resources);
            InitializeConstraints(project, eventCount);

        private void InitializeSets(int taskCount, int eventCount, int resourceCount)
            tasks = new Set(Domain.Real, "tasks");
            events = new Set(0, eventCount, 1);
            events1ToN = new Set(1, eventCount, 1); // starting from event 1.

        private void InitializeParameters(ICollection<Task> t, ICollection<Resource> r)
            entrega = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "entrega", tasks);
            entrega.SetBinding(t, "Entrega", "ID");
            molde = new Parameter(Domain.Integer, "molde", tasks);
            molde.SetBinding(t, "Molde", "ID");
            duration = new Parameter(Domain.RealNonnegative, "duration", tasks);
            duration.SetBinding(t, "Duration", "ID");

        private void InitializeDecisions()
            makespan = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "makespan");
            isActive = new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(0, 1), "isActive", tasks, events);
            start = new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, "start", events);

            modelSwitch = new Decision(Domain.Boolean, "modelSwitch", tasks);

            model.AddDecisions(makespan, isActive, start, modelSwitch);

        private void InitializeConstraints(Project project, int eventCount)
            // Establish the makespan: the maximum finish time over all activities.
              Model.ForEach(events1ToN, e =>
                Model.ForEach(tasks, i =>
                  makespan >= start[e] + (isActive[i, e] - isActive[i, e - 1]) * duration[i] )

            Model.ForEach(tasks, e => start[e] +  duration[e] <= entrega[e]));

            // The first event starts at time 0.
            model.AddConstraint("c_36", start[0] == 0);
            // Link the isActive decision to the starts of each event and task durations.
              Model.ForEach(events1ToN, e =>
                Model.ForEachWhere(events, f =>
                  Model.ForEach(tasks, i =>
                    start[f] >= start[e] + ((isActive[i, e] - isActive[i, e - 1]) - (isActive[i, f] - isActive[i, f - 1]) - 1) * duration[i]
                    ), f => f > e)));

            // Link the isActive decision with the first event. This constraint is missing in the original
            // paper.
              Model.ForEach(events1ToN, f =>
                Model.ForEach(tasks, i =>
                  start[f] >= start[0] + (isActive[i, 0] - (isActive[i, f] - isActive[i, f - 1]) - 1) * duration[i]

            // Order the events.
            model.AddConstraint("c_38", Model.ForEach(events1ToN, e => start[e] >= start[e - 1]));

            // Ensure adjacency of events for an in-progress task.
            SumTermBuilder sum = new SumTermBuilder(eventCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < project.Tasks.Count; i++)
                for (int e = 1; e < eventCount; e++)
                    sum.Add(isActive[i, e - 1]);
                    model.AddConstraint("c_39_" + i + "_" + e,
                      sum.ToTerm() <= e * (1 - (isActive[i, e] - isActive[i, e - 1])));

            sum = new SumTermBuilder(eventCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < project.Tasks.Count; i++)
                for (int e = 1; e < eventCount; e++)
                    for (int e1 = e; e1 < eventCount; e1++)
                        sum.Add(isActive[i, e1]); // (it's inefficient to reconstruct this for each value of e.)
                    model.AddConstraint("c_40_" + i + "_" + e,
                      sum.ToTerm() <= e * (1 + (isActive[i, e] - isActive[i, e - 1])));

            // All activities must be active during the project.
            model.AddConstraint("c_41", Model.ForEach(tasks, i =>
              Model.Sum(Model.ForEach(events, e => isActive[i, e])) >= 1));

            // A link (i, j) means that the start of task j must be after the finish of task i.
            int c42 = 0;
            foreach (TaskDependency link in project.Dependencies)
                int i = link.Source.ID;
                int j = link.Destination.ID;
                sum = new SumTermBuilder(eventCount);
                for (int e = 0; e < eventCount; e++)
                    sum.Add(isActive[j, e]); // sum now has isActive[j, 0] .. isActive[j, e].
                    model.AddConstraint("c_42_" + c42++, isActive[i, e] + sum.ToTerm() <= 1 + e * (1 - isActive[i, e]));

            // Resource usage during each event must not exceed resource capacity.
            Dictionary<Resource, int> resToId = new Dictionary<Resource, int>(project.Resources.Count);
            for (int k = 0; k < project.Resources.Count; k++)
                resToId[project.Resources[k]] = k;
            SumTermBuilder[] totalResWork = new SumTermBuilder[project.Resources.Count];
            int c43 = 0;
            for (int e = 0; e < eventCount; e++)
                for (int taskID = 0; taskID < project.Tasks.Count; taskID++)
                    foreach (var assn in project.Tasks[taskID].Assignments)
                        int resID = resToId[assn.Resource];
                        if (totalResWork[resID] == null)
                            totalResWork[resID] = new SumTermBuilder(5); // most tasks will have <= 4 assignments.
                        totalResWork[resID].Add(assn.Units * isActive[taskID, e]);

                for (int resID = 0; resID < totalResWork.Length; resID++)
                    if (totalResWork[resID] != null)
                        model.AddConstraint("c43_" + c43++, totalResWork[resID].ToTerm() <= project.Resources[resID].MaxUnits);
                        totalResWork[resID] = null; // note: memory churn...

我添加了约束来验证任务是否在交付数据之前完成(在本例中为 entrega):

    Model.ForEach(tasks, e => start[e] +  duration[e] <= entrega[e]));

它似乎可以正常工作,但现在我想考虑任务 Molde(Aka 类型),基本上,我想减少任务类型之间的切换次数以及完成此任务所需的时间。



编辑:我想到了一个可能的解决方案,即添加一个约束,在两个连续的任务上强制执行该约束,如果 Molde 变量发生变化,则引入 1h 间隙,但我也不知道如何实现。


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