我已经从 NSCFString 数组的 SQLITE 中获取了数组(比如contactNameList)。我想将contactNameList的对象与Int类型的Id数组(比如bookIdArray)进行比较。谁能指导我。帮助将不胜感激。在此先感谢您:)
let testDetail_Obj = OfflineDB()
ContactDataArray = testDetail_Obj.fetch_BooksFromSQLite()
for i in 0..< ContactDataArray.count
let newItem: Any = ContactDataArray[i] as Any
contactNameList.addObjects(from: [(newItem as AnyObject).value(forKey: "book_Id") as Any])
print("contactNameList fetched from db = \(contactNameList)")
bookIdArray = contactNameList // tried this
func loadBooks() {
let v = Constant.DBHandler()
Alamofire.request(Constant.url.getAllBooksUrl, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default)
.downloadProgress(queue: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility)) { progress in
.validate { request, response, data in
// Custom evaluation closure now includes data (allows you to parse data to dig out error messages if necessary)
return .success
.responseJSON {
response in switch response.result {
case .success(let JSON):
if let jsonResult = JSON as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
// do whatever with jsonResult
let booksJson = jsonResult ["objects"]
print("jsonResult In loadBook= \(jsonResult)")
let realm = try! Realm()
for bookJson in booksJson as! [NSDictionary] {
let book = Book()
book.author = bookJson["author"] as! String
print("\(String(describing: jsonResult ["author"]))")
book.bookImg = bookJson["book_img"] as! String
book.bookName = bookJson["book_name"] as! String
book.desc = bookJson["description"] as! String
book.language = bookJson["language"] as! String
book.noOfChapters = bookJson["no_of_chapters"] as! Int
book.id = bookJson["id"] as! Int
book.timestamp = bookJson["timestamp"] as! String
if bookIdArray.contains(book.id) {
// where, static var bookIdArray = [2,10]
book.isHidden = false
我想显示 ie -> book.isHidden = false ,对于所有其 id 存在于 contactNameList 中的书籍。我已经尝试过
bookIdArray = 联系人姓名列表