
  1. Complete subscription process in the app
  2. Cancel subscription in Play Store app and wait till it ends to completion (for monthly test subscriptions 5 minutes for the date of writing)

Expected: Subscription is no longer in the list which billingClient.queryPurchases(SUB_SKU_TYPE) returns

Actual: Subscription is still in the list which billingClient.queryPurchases(SUB_SKU_TYPE) returns (even after ~1 hour)

Reported bug: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-play-billing/issues/122

As it is stated in the documentation queryPurchases works with cache without doing any network calls, this could be a reason for this issue. queryPurchaseHistoryAsync could be a good alternative but Purchase class doesn't have state of the actual purchase (i.e. SUBSCRIBED, CANCELLED, etc.).

Is there any option to fix this issue using Play Billing Lib or it is required to make direct network calls using old In-App Billing Api?


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