test("ok") 是从 Noel Welsh 和 Dave Gurnell 第 254 页("D.4 Safer Folding using Eval")的书 "scala with cats" 中复制的,代码运行良好,它是蹦床 foldRight
import cats.Eval
test("ok") {
val list = (1 to 100000).toList
def foldRightEval[A, B](as: List[A], acc: Eval[B])(fn: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B]): Eval[B] =
as match {
case head :: tail =>
Eval.defer(fn(head, foldRightEval(tail, acc)(fn)))
case Nil =>
def foldRight[A, B](as: List[A], acc: B)(fn: (A, B) => B): B =
foldRightEval(as, Eval.now(acc)) { (a, b) =>
b.map(fn(a, _))
val res = foldRight(list, 0L)(_ + _)
assert(res == 5000050000l)
test("ko") 为小列表返回相同的 test("ok") 值,但对于长列表,该值不同。为什么?
test("ko") {
val list = (1 to 100000).toList
def foldRightSafer[A, B](as: List[A], acc: B)(fn: (A, B) => B): Eval[B] = as match {
case head :: tail =>
Eval.defer(foldRightSafer(tail, acc)(fn)).map(fn(head, _))
case Nil => Eval.now(acc)
val res = foldRightSafer(list, 0)((a, b) => a + b).value
assert(res == 5000050000l)