我的输入是一个 pandas 数据框(“向量”),它有一列和 178885 行,其中包含最多 600 个单词的字符串。
0 this is an example text...
1 more examples...
178885 last example
Name: vectortext, Length: 178886, dtype: object
我正在使用 TfidfVectorizer 进行特征提取(unigrams):
vectorizer_uni = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,1), use_idf=True, analyzer="word", stop_words=stop)
X = vectorizer_uni.fit_transform(vector).toarray()
X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=vectorizer_uni.get_feature_names()) #map grams
k = len(X.columns) #number of features
不幸的是,我收到如下内存错误。我在 Windows 10 机器上使用 64 位版本的 python 3.6 和 16GB RAM。我对 python 生成器等很感兴趣,但我不知道如何在不限制功能数量的情况下解决这个问题(这不是一个真正的选择)。任何想法如何解决这个问题?我以前可以以某种方式拆分我的数据框吗?
MemoryError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-88-15b6091ceec7> in <module>()
1 vectorizer_uni = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,1), use_idf=True, analyzer="word", stop_words=stop)
----> 2 X = vectorizer_uni.fit_transform(vector).toarray()
3 X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=vectorizer_uni.get_feature_names()) #map grams
4 k = len(X.columns) # number of features
C:\Programme\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\sparse\compressed.py in toarray(self, order, out)
962 def toarray(self, order=None, out=None):
963 """See the docstring for `spmatrix.toarray`."""
--> 964 return self.tocoo(copy=False).toarray(order=order, out=out)
966 ##############################################################
C:\Programme\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\sparse\coo.py in toarray(self, order, out)
250 def toarray(self, order=None, out=None):
251 """See the docstring for `spmatrix.toarray`."""
--> 252 B = self._process_toarray_args(order, out)
253 fortran = int(B.flags.f_contiguous)
254 if not fortran and not B.flags.c_contiguous:
C:\Programme\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\sparse\base.py in _process_toarray_args(self, order, out)
1037 return out
1038 else:
-> 1039 return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, order=order)
1041 def __numpy_ufunc__(self, func, method, pos, inputs, **kwargs):