I am trying to add PWA functionality to an existing website that is hosted on Azure and uses Cloudflare CDN.

I have run the lighthouse testing tool on the site and it passes everything in the PWA section (e.g. service worker installed, served over https, manifest installed etc.) except:

"Service worker does not successfully serve the manifest's start_url."

My manifest.json has '/' as the start URL and "/" as the scope.

The '/' is actually default.aspx which I have cached as well.

My service worker caches '/', e.g.

var cacheShellFiles = [

// install - cache the app shell
self.addEventListener('install', function (event) {
console.log('From SW install: ', event);

// calling skipWatiing() means the sw will skip the waiting state and immediately 
// activate even if other tabs open that use the previous sw

        .then(function (cache) {
            console.log('Cache opened');
            return cache.addAll(cacheShellFiles);

When I view the Cache Storage files in dev tools however, the Content-Length of the / and the .css and .js files is 0:

Image of Chrome Developer tools showing cache storage with Content-Length=0 Is the Content-Length = 0 the reason that it is saying it can't serve the manifest's start URL ?


1 回答 1


这是您的服务人员范围的问题(与 中的scope选项不同manifest.json)。

start_url设置为/,但很可能您的服务工作者文件是从更深的路径提供的,例如/some-path/service-worker.js. 在这种情况下,您的服务工作者的范围是/some-path/,因此它将无法处理对其外部路径的请求,例如根路径/

要解决此问题,您需要确保 Service Worker 的范围涵盖您的start_url. 我可以想到两种方法来做到这一点:

  1. 在您的情况下,直接从根路径提供服务工作者文件,例如/service-worker.js.

  2. 使用Service-Worker-Allowed响应标头,它会覆盖服务工作者的范围,因此服务工作者文件从哪个路径提供服务无关紧要。


于 2018-03-01T17:11:08.480 回答