DebitDate | DebitTypeID | DebitPrice | DebitQuantity
40577 1 50 3
40577 1 100 1
40577 2 75 2
40578 1 50 2
40578 2 150 2
我想通过一个查询(如果可能的话)获得这些详细信息:日期、借方 ID、total_sum_of_same_debit、how_many_debits_per_day
40577, 1, (50*3)+(100*1), 2 (because 40577 has 1 and 2 so total of 2 debits per this day)
40577, 2, (75*2), 2 (because 40577 has 1 and 2 so total of 2 debits per this day)
40578, 1, (50*2), 2 (because 40578 has 1 and 2 so total of 2 debits per this day)
40578, 2, (150*2), 2 (because 40578 has 1 and 2 so total of 2 debits per this day)
SELECT DebitDate, DebitTypeID, SUM(DebitPrice*DebitQuantity) AS TotalSum
FROM DebitsList
GROUP BY DebitDate, DebitTypeID, DebitPrice, DebitQuantity