## How can I obtain a dict/list (like locals()) of all the variables in second and/or third layer scopes via a command
# coming from the first layer?
## Or another example would be how could I obtain the variables "locals() style" from the thirdlayer via a
# command from the second layer?
# essentially can a parent function/class access a list/dict of a child function
# or class??
def firstLayer():
a = 4.7
q = locals()
# local vars of 1st layer
def secondlayer():
b = 7
r = locals()
# local vars of 2nd layer
def thirdlayer():
c = False
s = locals()
i = globals()
print('c:\n', c, "\nglobals from 3rd layer:\n\t", i)
# local vars of 3rd layer
sample_var = globals()
# returns the list of global variables
def varsfunc():
font1 = "Harlow Solid"
grey = '#454545'
font2 = 'Mistral'
font3 = 'Italic 35px Times New Roman'
pnk = 'pink'
grn = 'green'
return locals()
本质上,我正在创建一个模块,用户必须创建某种类型的函数,他们列出了他们想要声明用于修改 css 文件的所有变量。本质上,我想让用户不必输入“return locals()”。我想通过让最终用户将上述示例函数包装在一个装饰器中来实现它,该装饰器相当于返回我想要的确切范围的 locals()。装饰器对我不起作用,因为它在外部范围内。
def module_decorator_func_thing():
r = command_that_acts_like_locals()_but_for_child_scopes
def user_var_list():
font1 = 'green'
font2 = 'pink'
# back in "module_decorator_func_thing"'s scope
print(r) # this variable should contain only a dict/list containing the
# the following:
# r = {'font1': 'green', 'font2': 'pink')
def vars_func_container():
font1 = 'green'
font2 = 'pink'
return locals() # <---- I want the user to not have to type this and for
# a function decorator to take care of it instead possibly.
@aguy 和其他希望了解更多信息的人的信息。我通过你们的提示获得的字典/列表将被发送到这个函数来完成程序的真正工作。(如果我要开始使用列表,我需要转换为字典,但这对我来说没问题。)变量的字典与这个函数一起使用来“编译/编译”(双关语'Python ' + 'compile) 并插入到“variables”参数中。例如,您执行这样的功能。
compyle("My sample title", return_stylesheet_from_func(*insert .css filename),
return_variables_from_function(*insert function containing variables*), "**True/False to turn on compilation**",
"**True/False to turn on annotations/suggestions**")
def compyle(title, style_sheet, variables, boolean=False, boolean2=True):
:param title: The name you wish your .css file to be named.
:param style_sheet: The name of the multi-line string that will compose your .css file
:param variables: The name of the dictionary containing your .pcss variables
:param boolean: A.K.A the "Compiler Parameter" - Turns the compiler on or off
:param boolean2: A.K.A the "Annotation Parameter" - Turns annotations on or off
:return: returns compiled .pcss text as normal .css style text to be utilized with .html
# -----------------------------------
file_name = title + ".css"
replace_num = len(variables.keys())
counter = replace_num
content = style_sheet
# -----------------------------------
# add theme support with namedtuple's formatted to mimic structs in C/C++
# this will be a major feature update as well as a nice way to allow the future prospect of integrating C/C++ into
# the compiler. Info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35988/c-like-structures-in-python
for k, v in variables.items():
counter -= 1
content = content.replace(k, v, replace_num)
if counter == 0:
looped_content = str(content)
id_content = looped_content.replace("hash_", "#")
output = id_content.replace("dot_", ".")
if boolean is True:
if boolean2 is True:
output = " /* --- Pyle Sheet --- */\n" + output
with open(file_name, 'w') as writ:
print('compiled successfully; The file was saved as ' + "\"" + file_name + "\".")
elif boolean2 is False:
logging.warning("An Error Occurred - see module, documentation, or online Q&A for assistance.")
elif boolean is False:
if boolean2 is True:
print('compiled successfully; The file ' + "\"" + file_name + "\"" + "was not saved/created.")
elif boolean2 is False:
logging.warning("An Error Occurred - see module, documentation, or online Q&A for assistance.")
logging.warning('An Error Occurred with the Compile Parameter (See: boolean in pyle_sheets source file) - \ '
'see module, documentation, or online Q&A for assistance.')