I have four tables my page. One's size is almost the same as other three small table. I want to fit loan detail and credit detail table below application detail where there is enough empty space.

I am using flex layout for grid system. Is there any workaround to achieve this using fx flex property of flex layout.

stackblitz link

enter image description here

this is my html code

            <div class="container" fxLayout fxLayout.xs="column">
                <div class="item item-1" fxFlex="50%">
                    <table id="customers" *ngIf="customerData">
                        <caption class="caption">
                            <h4>Customer Details</h4>
                        <tr *ngFor="let item of customerData">
                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>

                <div class="item item-2" fxFlex="50%">
                    <table id="customers" *ngIf="applicationData">

                        <caption class="caption">
                            <h4>Application Details</h4>

                        <tr *ngFor="let item of applicationData">

                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>


            <div class="container" fxLayout fxLayout.xs="column">
                <div class="item item-1" fxFlex="50%">
                    <table id="customers" *ngIf="loanData">

                            <h4>Loan Details</h4>

                        <tr *ngFor="let item of loanData">

                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>

                <div class="item item-2" fxFlex="50%">
                    <table id="customers" *ngIf="creditData">

                            <h4>Credit Details</h4>

                        <tr *ngFor="let item of creditData">

                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>


2 回答 2


This doesn't use the fxFlex property alone, but do you have any objection to simply nesting flexLayouts like this?

<div class="bounds">

<div class="container" fxLayout fxLayout.xs="row">
    <div class="item item-1" fxFlex="50%">
        <table id="personal" *ngIf="customerData">
            <caption class="caption">
                <h4>Customer Details</h4>
            <tr *ngFor="let item of customerData">
                <td width="50%">
                <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>

    <div class="item item-2 container" fxFlex="50%" fxLayout fxLayout="column">
        <table id="personal" *ngIf="applicationData" fxFlex>

            <caption class="caption">
                <h4>Application Details</h4>

            <tr *ngFor="let item of applicationData">

                <td width="50%">
                <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>
        <table id="personal" *ngIf="loanData" fxFlex>

            <caption class="caption">
                <h4>Loan Details</h4>

            <tr *ngFor="let item of loanData">

                <td width="50%">
                <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>
        <table id="personal" *ngIf="creditData" fxFlex>

            <caption class="caption">
                <h4>Credit Details</h4>

            <tr *ngFor="let item of creditData">

                <td width="50%">
                <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>


By the way, I didn't fix this, but each id should be unique -- you shouldn't use the id "personal" more than once.

于 2018-02-16T08:14:26.380 回答

You have added tables in different container which is creating different blocks. Application , loan and credit tables should be in single div with fxFlex="50%"

Also I have updated id of each table with class attribute and updated the css too to use class instead of id. Ids are unique in DOM.

<div class="bounds">

    <div class="container" fxLayout fxLayout.xs="row">
                <div class="item item-1" fxFlex="50%">
                    <table class="personal" *ngIf="customerData">
                        <caption class="caption">
                            <h4>Customer Details</h4>
                        <tr *ngFor="let item of customerData">
                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>

                <div class="item item-2" fxFlex="50%">
                    <table class="personal" *ngIf="applicationData">

                        <caption class="caption">
                            <h4>Application Details</h4>

                        <tr *ngFor="let item of applicationData">

                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>
                     <table class="personal" *ngIf="loanData">

                            <h4>Loan Details</h4>

                        <tr *ngFor="let item of loanData">

                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>
                    <table class="personal" *ngIf="creditData">

                            <h4>Credit Details</h4>

                        <tr *ngFor="let item of creditData">

                            <td width="50%">
                            <td width="50%">{{item.value}}</td>

Updated stackblitz editor URL - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-flex-layout-seed-mnvyly

See the complete o/p here - https://angular-flex-layout-seed-mnvyly.stackblitz.io/

于 2018-02-16T08:46:52.163 回答