我想使用 R 中的 heatmaply 包为我的数据集(3109 行和 12 列)创建一个交互式热图图,但出现以下错误:如果我删除行名,我不会收到错误,但我至少需要查看名称在图中的每个位置!那么你能帮帮我吗?谢谢你。

subset of my matrix:d 
            h0_R2.log2 h0_R4.log2 h0_R5.log2 h12_R2.log2 h12_R4.log2
Ltb4r1        -12.42500  -12.42500  -12.42500    -4.47485    -4.32845
Gm34606        -0.04179   -0.11605    0.12281   -12.42500   -12.42500
LOC102634439   -4.82458   -4.89884   -5.07503   -12.42500   -12.42500
LOC102637286  -12.42500  -12.42500  -12.42500   -12.42500   -12.42500
Kcnj16         -1.70357   -1.49772   -2.06093   -12.42500   -12.42500

 clus1 <- hclust(dist(d))
 d2 <- d[clus1$order,]
 heatmaply(d2 , xlab = "", revC = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, titleX = FALSE )

Error in rotate.dendrogram(dend, order = rev(labels(x)
[seriation::get_order(o)])) : 
'order' is neither numeric nor a vector with ALL of the labels (in the order 
 you want them to be)

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