- 节点左对齐而不是沿 x 轴对齐?例如,只有 2 个节点的流将在 x 轴的一半处完成,而不是在 x 最大值处(在我的非玩具 sankey 图中是左对齐的,但是,我无法计算出差异)
- 仅删除节点上的悬停文本(不在链接上)。我尝试了“标签”、“文本”、“值”、“百分比”、“名称”与“+”或“全部”或“无”或“跳过”的各种组合,但这些似乎都没有一个区别。
- 例如,使用 NA 处理下车,我不想看到从 SA 到 Drop(蓝色节点)的链接,但希望看到 x=-1 处的绿色条以显示一个人去了 SA他们的第一个假期,并没有另一个假期。(如果我离开 source=SA 和 target=NA,图表是空白的)。我建议的解决方法是将 DROP Node 和 SA-DROP 链接设置为白色......
require(dplyr); require(plotly); require(RColorBrewer); require(stringr)
# Summarise flow data
dat <- data.frame(customer = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5),
holiday_loc = c("SA", "SA", "AB", "SA", "SA", "SA", "SA", "AB", "AB", "SA", "SA", "SA")) %>%
group_by(customer) %>%
mutate(holiday_num = seq_along(customer),
source=paste0(holiday_loc, '_', holiday_num),
target = lead(source),
last_hol = ifelse(holiday_num == n(), 'Y', 'N')) %>%
filter(last_hol== 'N'| holiday_num == 1) %>%
sank_links <- dat %>%
group_by(source, target) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
mutate(target=ifelse(is.na(target), "DROP", target)) # is there another option here?
# obtain colours for nodes
f <- function(pal) brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"], pal)
cols <- f("Set1")
# set up nodes
sank_nodes <- data.frame(
name = factor(sort(unique(c(as.character(sank_links$source),
) %>%
mutate(label=sub("_[0-9]$", "", name),
# for some unknown reason, plotly allows only three labels to be the same
label_pad=sub("_[1-3]$", "", name),
label_pad=sub("_[4-6]$", " ", label_pad)) %>%
arrange(label) %>%
mutate(color = cols[cumsum(1-duplicated(label))])
# update links to get index of node and name (without holiday_num)
sank_links <- sank_links %>%
mutate(source_num = match(source, sank_nodes$name) -1 ,
source_name = str_replace(source, "_[0-9]$", ""),
target_num = match(target, sank_nodes$name) - 1,
target_name = str_replace(target, "_[0-9]$", ""))
# diagram
p <- plot_ly(
type = "sankey",
domain = c(
x = c(0,1),
y = c(0,1)
orientation = "h",
valueformat = ".0f",
valuesuffix = "Customers",
node = list(
label = sank_nodes$label_pad,
color = sank_nodes$color,
pad = 15,
thickness = 15,
line = list(
color = "black",
width = 0.5
link = list(
source = sank_links$source_num,
target = sank_links$target_num,
value = sank_links$n
) %>%
title = "",
font = list(
size = 10
xaxis = list(showgrid = F, zeroline = F),
yaxis = list(showgrid = F, zeroline = F)
编辑:我最初没有如何用与节点对应的中断标记 x 轴并为 x 轴提供标题;代码如下:
title = "",
font = list(
size = 10
xaxis = list(showgrid = F, zeroline = F, title="Holiday Number", tickvals=-1:4, ticktext=1:6),
yaxis = list(showgrid = F, zeroline = F, showticklabels=FALSE)