I want to translate a dataframe to frozensets and keep the dataframe columns within the frozenset.
>>> x
lane sample
0 1 A
1 1 B
2 2 C
And I would like something as :
x2= {frozenset({("sample", "A"), ("lane", 1)}),
frozenset({("sample", "B"), ("lane", 1)}),
frozenset({("sample", "C"), ("lane", 2)})}
>>> x2
{frozenset({('sample', 'B'), ('lane', 1)}), frozenset({('sample', 'A'), ('lane', 1)}), frozenset({('lane', 2), ('sample', 'C')})}
I tried x.apply(frozenset,1)
but it gives me that :
0 (1, A)
1 (1, B)
2 (C, 2)
dtype: object
Any help will be useful. Thank you