First, basic info on our environment: We're using c# .net 4.0, on Win7-x64, targeting 32-bit.
We have a preallocated -large- array. In a function, we would like to return a pointer to an arbitrary point in this array, so that the calling function can know where to write. Ex:
class SomeClass {
void function_that_uses_the_array() {
Byte [] whereToWrite = getEmptyPtrLocation(1200);
Array.Copy(sourceArray, whereToWrite, ...);
class DataProvider {
int MAX_SIZE = 1024*1024*64;
Byte [] dataArray = new Byte[MAX_SIZE];
int emptyPtr=0;
Byte[] getEmptyPtrLocation(int requestedBytes) {
int ref = emptyPtr;
emptyPtr += requestedBytes;
return dataArray[ref];
Essentially, we want to preallocate a big chunk of memory, and reserve arbitrary length portions of this memory block and let some other class/function to use that portion of memory.
In the above example, getEmptyPtrLocation function is incorrect; it is declared as returning Byte[], but attempting to return a single byte value.