希望我得到了正确的标题,但我正在尝试使用 JAX-RS@Path
public class Geothing {
private int thingId;
private String status;
// Ctor, getters and setters
PolygonGeothing 扩展了 Geothing:
public class PolygonGeothing extends Geothing {
private Coordinates coordinates;
// Ctor, getters and setters
CircleGeothing 扩展了 Geothing:
public class CircleGeothing extends Geothing {
private Coordinate center;
private int radius;
// Ctor, getters and setters
public interface GeothingService extends CoService {
Response createGeothing(@PathParam("{id}") Long id, PolygonGeothing geothing);
Response createGeothing(@PathParam("{id}") Long id, CircleGeothing geothing);
我的期望是,如果我为 PolygonGeothing 或 CircleGeothing 发布 XML,那么它将起作用。但是,它仅在我发布 PolygonGeothing XML 并且如果我发布 CircleGeothing XML 然后我得到一个 JAXBException 时才有效:
JAXBException occurred : unexpected element (uri:"", local:"circleGeothing"). Expected elements are <{}polygonGeothing>.
是否可以正确映射此映射而无需为 CircleGeothing 和 PolygonGeothing 指定单独的 URI 路径?此外,是否可以有如下接口,我可以在其中使用超类作为参数?我测试了返回类型 Geothing,如果我创建一个 PolygonGeothing 或 CircleGeothing 并返回它,那么它工作正常......但如果我尝试将 PolygonGeothing 或 CircleGeothing 作为参数类型为 Geothing 的参数传递,则不会。
public interface GeothingService extends CoService {
Response createGeothing(@PathParam("{id}") Long id, Geothing geothing);