I am using signtool.exe to sign binaries with the PFX file.

But when I try to execute the command through command line, an error message is displayed.

SignTool Error: File not found: D:\Myfile.Pfx But the file D:\Myfile.Pfx exists at that location.

I tried signing files using the latest version of SignTool.exe, but the problem persists.
I am using Windows XP SP3 32 bit.

Any idea on the reason for this error and how do I rectify it?


1 回答 1


尝试在实际签名之前给出一个 echo 语句,这不仅让您有机会查看正在使用的命令,而且还给 signtool 足够的时间(延迟),这有时可以解决这个问题。它可能不是错误的命令或不存在的文件,但也可能是时间问题以及返回的错误代码模糊。

于 2011-09-22T16:23:28.923 回答