I'm wondering if anyone has experience implementing Baqend's push notification service https://www.baqend.com/guide/topics/push/ on an Expo app?

he setup docs look like it requires modifying native code which makes me think it might not work with Expo... I really do not want to have to eject my app from expo.

Expo also has a push notification system: https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/push-notifications.html that avoids having to setup APNS and FCM, and it looks simple enough to execute a push through their server. It's just a http post.

Would it make more sense to use Expo's system and save the device token generated by Expo in a field in Baqend's Device class?

Also if any of the Baqend guys come across this, the tutorial link for "Setup Push: APNS" on https://www.baqend.com/guide/topics/push/ does not take you to a tutorial page.


1 回答 1


您无需修改​​任何本机代码即可将推送通知与 Baqend 一起使用。

遗憾的是,Baqend 只直接支持 APNS 和 FCM,但是您可以将 Expo 令牌保存在相应的用户对象或单独的表中,并创建一个Baqend Module,它使用Expo Node 模块发送推送通知。


于 2018-02-09T19:27:07.023 回答