我今天正在快速学习结构和课程,并决定尝试使用我新发现的知识来简化我之前构建的战斗计算器。现在我明白了,在 func 中调用的属性本质上是局部变量,更何况是“让”常量。所以我知道为什么下面的代码有错误,但我不知道如何在不使用 nil 合并运算符 (??) 为我的代码增加更多复杂性的情况下实现我的目标。


import Foundation
import Glibc

struct Unit {
   enum UnitType: String {
       case sniper
       case shocktrooper
       case infantry
       case support
   let name: String
   let type: UnitType 
   var hitPoints: Int
   let attackStrength: Int

   //attack another unit
   mutating func attack(target: Unit) {
       print("\(self.name) is attacking \(target.name)...")
       if self.attackStrength > target.attackStrength {
           print("\(self.name) hit \(target.name) for
\(self.attackStrength) points of damage!")
           target.hit(target, self.attackStrength) /*error: cannont use
muatating member on imutable value: 'target is a 'let' constant */
       } else {
           self.repelled(by: target.attackStrength)
   //take damage from defender
   mutating func repelled(by damage: Int) {
       self.hitPoints -= damage
       print("\(name) was repelled and took \(damage) points of damage!")
   //take damage from attack
   mutating func hit(for damage: Int) {
       self.hitPoints -= damage

//declaring two seperate units
var player1 = Unit(name: "Player 1", type: .sniper, hitPoints: 10,
attackStrength: 3)
var player2 = Unit(name: "Player 2", type: .shocktrooper, hitPoints: 15,
attackStrength: 2)

func score() {
   print("The current hitpoints are: \(player1.name): \(player1.hitPoints)
& \(player2.name): \(player2.hitPoints)")

player1.attack(target: player2)

1 回答 1


你只需要使用inout关键字就可以改变你的 player2:

struct Unit {
    enum Kind: String {
        case sniper, shocktrooper, infantry, support
    let name: String
    let kind: Kind
    var hitPoints: Int
    let attackStrength: Int
    mutating func attack(target: inout Unit) {
        print("\(name) is attacking \(target.name)...")
        if attackStrength > target.attackStrength {
            print("\(name) hit \(target.name) for \(attackStrength) points of damage!")
            target.hit(for: attackStrength)
        } else {
            repelled(by: target.attackStrength)
    mutating func repelled(by damage: Int) {
        hitPoints -= damage
        print("\(name) was repelled and took \(damage) points of damage!")
    mutating func hit(for damage: Int) {
        hitPoints -= damage


var player1 = Unit(name: "Player 1", kind: .sniper, hitPoints: 10,  attackStrength: 3)
var player2 = Unit(name: "Player 2", kind: .shocktrooper, hitPoints: 15, attackStrength: 2)
func score() {
    print("The current hitpoints are: \(player1.name): \(player1.hitPoints) & \(player2.name): \(player2.hitPoints)")
player1.attack(target: &player2)


玩家 1 正在攻击玩家 2...

玩家 1 对玩家 2 造成 3 点伤害!

当前的生命值是:玩家 1:10 和玩家 2:12

另一个选择是使用类而不是结构。您需要为您的类提供一个自定义初始化程序并从您的方法中删除 mutating 关键字

class Unit {
    enum Kind: String {
        case sniper, shocktrooper, infantry, support
    let name: String
    let kind: Kind
    var hitPoints: Int
    let attackStrength: Int
    init(name: String, kind: Kind, hitPoints: Int,  attackStrength: Int){
        self.name = name
        self.kind = kind
        self.hitPoints = hitPoints
        self.attackStrength = attackStrength
    func attack(target: Unit) {
        print("\(name) is attacking \(target.name)...")
        if attackStrength > target.attackStrength {
            print("\(name) hit \(target.name) for \(attackStrength) points of damage!")
            target.hit(for: attackStrength)
        } else {
            repelled(by: target.attackStrength)
    func repelled(by damage: Int) {
        hitPoints -= damage
        print("\(name) was repelled and took \(damage) points of damage!")
    func hit(for damage: Int) {
        hitPoints -= damage
let player1 = Unit(name: "Player 1", kind: .sniper, hitPoints: 10,  attackStrength: 3)
let player2 = Unit(name: "Player 2", kind: .shocktrooper, hitPoints: 15, attackStrength: 2)
func score() {
    print("The current hitpoints are: \(player1.name): \(player1.hitPoints) & \(player2.name): \(player2.hitPoints)")
player1.attack(target: player2)
于 2018-02-09T04:11:41.800 回答