我正在寻找与特定公式匹配的最佳拟合曲线。参数 A 和 B 需要优化
# X and Y are my datasets Y depend of X
# X and Y plot give us
plot(X,Y, main="Y function of X",pch=6,xlab="X", ylab="Y",col='black')
#Type of curve that I need
curve(0.07*90*(1-(x/(x+exp(5-0.001*x)))), add = T,col="blue",lw=3,lty=2)
#I want therefore to optimize the parameters A and B in order to have the best fitted curve according to this formula that fit better with my data
curve(0.07*90*(1-(x/(x+exp(B+A*x)))), add = T, col="blue",lw=3,lty=2)
# Please help `enter code here`